1.    Ectors F, Beckers JF, Ballman P, Derivaux J (1975). Variation du 17 ß oestradiol au cours du cycle oestral chez la vache. C.R. Acad Sc Paris, 281:1257-1260. (Article)

2.    Beckers JF, Ballman P, Ectors F, Derivaux J, transmise par Mr. Herlant M (1975) Le dosage radioimmunologique de la progestérone plasmatique chez la vache. C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris, 280:335-338. (Article)

3.    Ectors F, Beckers JF, Ballman P, Derivaux J, transmise par Mr. Herlant M (1975) Variation du 17 ß oestradiol au cours du cycle oestral chez la vache. C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris, 281:1257-1260. (Article)


4.    Derivaux J, Ectors F, Beckers JF (1976) Prostaglandines et cycle sexuel chez les animaux domestiques. Bulletin et Mémoires de l’Académie Royale de Médecine de Belgique, 131:359-380. (Article)

5.    Derivaux J, Ectors F, Beckers JF (1976) Hormonelle Befunde bei Störungen der Ovarialfunktion des Rindes. Deutsche Tierärztlich Wochenschrift, 83:561-563. (Article)

6.    Derivaux J, Ectors F, Beckers JF (1976) Données récentes en gynécologie animale. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 120:81-102. (Review Article)


7.    Massip A, Wouters-Ballman P, Beckers JF, Ectors F, transmise par Mr. Herlant M (1977) Evolution du taux de cortisol plasmatique chez le veau de la naissance à l’âge de 14 jours. C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris, 285:563-565. (Article)


8.    Beckers JF, Wouters-Ballman P, Ectors F, Derivaux J (1978). Induction de l’oestrus chez les génisses en anoestrus fonctionnel. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 122:597-605. (Article)

9.    Beckers JF, Ectors F (1978). Dosages radioimmunologiques. Applications en médecine vétérinaire. Séminaires de perfectionnement. Association des Ingénieurs Issus de la Faculté des Sciences Agronomiques de l’Etat à Gembloux, p. II-G 1-13. (Article)


10.  De Coster R, Beckers JF, Wouters-Ballman P, Ectors F (1979). Variations de la LH, de la FSH, du 17 ß oestradiol et de la progestérone au cours du cycle oestral de la chienne. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 123:177-184. (Article)


11.  Beckers JF, Fromont-Liénard Ch, Van Der Zwalmen P, Wouters-Ballman P, Ectors F (1980). Isolement d’une hormone placentaire bovine présentant une activité analogue à la prolactine et à l’hormone de croissance. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 124:585-601. (Article)


12.  Beckers JF, Ectors F (1981) Dosage de l’hormone placentaire somatotrope et mammotrope bovine par liaison radio-compétitive aux récepteurs membranaires. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 125:311-319. (Article)

13.  Michaux C, Beckers JF, de Fonseca M, Hanset R (1981). Plasma insulin level in double-muscled and conventional bulls during the first year of life. Z Tierzücht Züchtsbiol, 98:312-318. (Article)


14.  Beckers JF, De Coster R, Wouters-Ballman P, Fromont-Liénard Ch, Van Der Zwalmen P, Ectors F (1982) Dosage radioimmunologique de l’hormone placentaire somatotrope et mammotrope bovine. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 126:9-21. (Article)


15.  Verstegen J, Fellmann D, Beckers JF (1985) Immunodetection of bovine chorionic somato-mammotrophin (bCS). Acta Endocrinologica, 109:403-410. (Article)


16. Beckers JF, Wouters-Ballman P, Ectors F (1987) Coexistence of lactogenic and somatogenic receptors in bovine mammary gland. 1st European Congress of Endocrinology, Copenhagen, 21-25th, p. 548-550. (Communication)

17. Wooding FBP, Beckers JF (1987) Trinucleate cells and the ultrastructural localisation of bovine placental lactogen. Cell Tissue Research, 247:667-673. (Article)


18. Beckers JF, Dewulf M, Verstegen J, Wouters-Ballman P, Ectors F (1988). Isolation of a bovine chorionic gonadotrophin (bCG). Theriogenology, 29(1):218. (Abstract)

19. Beckers JF, Wouters-Ballman P, Ectors F (1988) Isolation and radioimmunoassay of a bovine pregnancy specific protein. Theriogenology, 29(1):219. (Abstract).

20. Guilbault LA, Beckers JF, Roy GL, Grasso F (1988) Plasma concentrations of bovine placental lactogen, prolactin and prostaglandins during the periparturient period in Ayrshire heifers bearing different breeds of fetus. Theriogenology, 29(1):255. (Abstract).

21. Beckers JF, Wouters-Ballman P, Ectors F (1988). Distribution of somatogenic and lactogenic receptors in pregnant cow. Satellite Symposium on Placental Protein Hormones. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Kobe University, School of Medicine. Kobe 650, Japan. (Abstract)

22. Beckers JF, Wouters-Ballman P, Ectors F (1988) Purification and characterization of bovine chorionic somatomammotrophin (bCS). Satellite Symposium on Placental Protein Hormones. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Kobe University School of Medicine. Kobe 650, Japan. (Abstract)

23. Beckers JF, Wouters-Ballman P, Ectors F (1988) Sensitive radioimmunoassay for bovine chorionic somatomammotrophin: maternal and fetal plasma levels. Satellite Symposium on Placental Protein Hormones. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Kobe University, School of Medicine. Kobe 650, Japan. (Abstract)


24. Beckers JF, Wouters-Ballman P, Ectors FJ, Touati K, Delval A, Borman M, Ectors F (1989) Relation inverse entre la concentration des sérums foetaux bovins en hormone chorionique somatomammotrope et leur âge. Reproduction, Nutrition, Developpement (Suppl.), p. 29. (Abstract)

25. Morgan G, Wooding FBP, Beckers JF, Friesen HG (1989) An immunological cryo-ultrastructural study of a sequential appearance of proteins in placental binucleate cells in early pregnancy in the cow. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, 86:745-752. (Article)


26. Zoli AP, Beckers JF, Ectors F (1990) Isolation in an ovine pregnancy specific protein. Theriogenology, 33(1):366. (Abstract)

27. Zoli AP, Beckers JF, Ectors F (1990) Evidence of a protein immunologically related to pregnancy specific proteins in ruminant gonads. 3rd International Ruminant Reproduction Symposium, Nice France, March 25-28th. (Abstract)

28. Zoli AP, Ectors F, Beckers JF (1990) Ruminants gonads as accessory sources of pregnancy specific protein ? 72nd Animal Meeting of the Endocrine Society, Atlanta GA, June 20-23rd. (Abstract)

29. Guilbault LA, Roy GL, Beckers JF, Dufour JJ (1990) Influence of breed of fetus on periparturient endocrine responses and subsequent milk production of Ayrshire dams. Journal of Dairy Science, 73(10):2766-2773. (Article)


30. Guilbault LA, Beckers JF, Lapierre S, Zoli AP, Benitez-Ortiz W, Roy GL (1991) Peripartum concentrations of placental protein hormones (bPL and bPAG) in Holstein and Hereford recipients carrying purebred Holstein foetuses. Theriogenology, 35(1):208. (Abstract)

31. Xie S, Low B, Zoli PA, Beckers JF, Roberts RM (1991) Molecular cloning of pregnancy-associated glycoproteins from cattle and sheep: identity with the aspartate protease family. Annual Meeting. University of British Columbia Vancouver. July 29-31, 1991. Biology of Reproduction, 44 (Supplement 1):101. (Abstract)

32. Zoli PA, Beckers JF, Wouters-Ballman P, Closset J, Falmagne P, Ectors F (1991) Purification and characterization of a bovine pregnancy-associated glycoprotein. Biology of Reproduction, 45(1):1-10. (Article)

33. Xie S, Low BG, Nagel RJ, Kramer KK, Anthony RV, Zoli AP, Beckers JF, Roberts RM (1991) Identification of the major pregnancy-specific antigens of cattle and sheep as inactive members of the aspartic proteinase family. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 88(22):10247-10251. (Article)

34. Toubeau G, Poilve A, Baras E, Nonclercq D, De Moor S, Beckers JF, Dessy-Doize C, Heuson-Stiennon JA (1991). Immunocytochemical study of cell type distribution in the pituitary of Barbus barbus (Teleostei, Cyprindidae). General and Comparative Endocrinology, 83(1):35-47. (Article)

35. Bastings E, Beckers A, Reznik M, Beckers JF (1991). Immunocytochemical evidence for production of luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone in separate cells in the bovine. Biology of Reproduction, 45(5):788-796. (Article)


36. Zoli AP, Guibault LA, Delahaut P, Benitez Ortiz W, Beckers JF (1992) Radioimmunoassay of a bovine pregnancy-associated glycoprotein in serum: Its application for pregnancy diagnosis. Biology of Reproduction, 46(1):83-92. (Article)

37. Zoli AP, Demez P, Beckers JF, Reznik M, Beckers A (1992) Light and electron microscopic immunolocalization of bovine pregnancy-associated glycoprotein in the bovine placentome. Biology of Reproduction, 46(4):623-629. (Article)


38. Zoli AP, Beckers JF, Benitez Ortiz W, Ectors F (1993) Isolement, purification et caractérisation d’une glycoprotéine placentaire bovine : mise au point d’un dosage radioimmunologique sensible et spécifique. Actualité Scientifique : Maîtrise de la reproduction et amélioration génétique des ruminants. Edition Aupelf, p. 235-247. (Communication)

39. Folch J, Benitez W, Alabart JL, Beckers JF (1993) Determinacion de la concentracion plasmatica de PAG (pregnancy-associated glycoprotein) en cabras blanca celtiberica y su utilizacion como diagnostico de gestacion. V Jornadas sobre Produccion Animal, Vol. Extra n. 12, Tome II, p. 364-366. (Communication)

40. Beckers JF (1993) Does a bovine chorionic gonadotropin exist? Exposé Giessen, Comparative endocrinology of placental functions. Exposé Giessen. June 17-19th. (Communication)


41. Ranilla MJ, Carro MD, Sulon J, Mantecón AR, Beckers JF (1994) Evolución de las concentraciones plasmáticas de PAG (pregnancy-associated glycoprotein) y progesterona en ovejas de raza Assaff durante la gestación y el postparto. 7e Journées de Productions Animales, Saragosse. (Communication)

42. Garbayo MJ, Alabard JL, Folch J, Beckers JF (1994) Concentration de PAG (pregnancy-associated glycoprotein) a lo largo de la gestation en ovejas manchegas immunizadas con fecundin A o contra una mezcla de esteroides. 7ª Jornadas Internacionales de Reproduccion Animal. Murcia, Espagna, July 6-9th, p. 306. (Abstract)

43. Beckers JF, Roberts RM, Zoli AP, Ectors F, Derivaux J (1994) Molécules de la famille des protéases aspartiques dans le placenta des ruminants : hormones ou protéines ? Bulletin et Mémoires de l’Académie Royale de Médecine de Belgique, 149(8-11):355-367. (Review Article)

44. Ranilla MJ, Sulon J, Carro MD, Mantecón AR, Beckers JF (1994) Plasmatic profiles of pregnancy-associated glycoprotein and progesterone levels during gestation in Churra and Merino sheep. Theriogenology, 42(3):537-545. (Article)

45. Xie S., Low BG., Nagel RJ, Beckers JF, Roberts RM (1994) A novel glycoprotein of the aspartic proteinase gene family expressed in bovine placental trophectoderm. Biology of Reproduction, 51(6):1145-1153. (Article)


46. Sinclair KD, Broadbent PJ, Gebbie FE, Dolman DF, Beckers JF (1995) Pregnancy diagnosis using bovine pregnancy-associated glycoprotein in purebred beef heifers mated at a first or second synchronised oestrus. British Society of Animal Science. (Abstract)

47. Roberts RM, Beckers JF, Zoli AP, Xie S, Szafranska B, Green J (1995) Pregnancy-associated glycoproteins of the ruminant placenta: a complex family of catalytically inactive aspartic proteinases. Placenta and Early pregnancy, VI Meeting of the European Placenta Group Joint Meeting with the Rochester Trophoblast Conference, Spa, Belgium, September 20-23rd, p. A1-A77. (Abstract)

48. Zoli AP, Beckers JF, Ectors F (1995) Identification and characterization of a new pregnancy-associated antigen of cattle and its application for pregnancy diagnosis. I Simpósio Nacional de Biotecnologia da Reprodução de Mammíferos Domésticos. Anais, Fortaleza, Brazil, September 1st, p. 64-75. (Communication)

49. Zoli AP, Beckers JF, Ectors F (1995) Isolement et caractérisation partielle d’une glycoprotéine associée à la gestation chez la brebis. Annales Médecine Vétérinaire, 139:177-184. (Article)

50. Xie S, Green J, Beckers JF, Roberts RM (1995) The gene encoding bovine pregnancy-associated glycoprotein-1, an inactive member of the aspartic proteinase family, Gene 159(2):193-197. (Article)

51. Roberts RM, Xie S, Nagel RJ, Low B, Green J, Beckers JF (1995) Glycoproteins of the aspartyl proteinase gene family secreted by the developing placenta. In: Takahashi K (ed.), Aspartic Proteinases: Structure, Function, Biology and Biomedical Implications, v. 362, p. 231-240. (Book Chapter)


52. Ectors FJ, Schmidt M, Sulon J, Delval A, Remy B, Avery B, Beckers JF (1996) bPAG profiles in recipient heifers after transfer of IVF and nuclear transfer embryos. Theriogenology, 45(1):283. (Abstract)

53. Moreira da Silva F, Beckers JF, Burvenich C (1996) Immunodulating influence of bovine pregnancy-associated glycoprotein (bPAG) on the respiratory burst of polymorphonuclear leukocytes. Symposium on Milk synthesis, Secretion and Removal in Ruminants, April 26-27th, University of Berne, School of Veterinary Medicine, Neues Lehrgebäude, Berne Switzerland. (Abstract)

54. Moreira da Silva F, Beckers JF, Burvenich C, Remy B, Sulon J, Brosse L (1996) Effect of bovine pregnancy-associated glycoprotein (bPAG) on the oxidative burst of polymorphonuclear leukocytes from cows. 10th International Congress of Endocrinology, June 12-15th, San Francisco USA, p. 634. (Abstract)

55. Ali M, Gebbie FE, Sinclair KD, Broadbent PJ, Hutchinson JSM, Beckers JF, Sulon J (1996) Post-Partum decline in serum pregnancy-associated glycoprotein (bPAG) in four breeds of cattle under different nutritional regimes. SSF Annual Conference, Nottingham, Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, 17:43. (Abstract + Poster Copy)

56. Delahaut Ph, Remy B, Pirson JL, Ectors FJ, Sulon J, Beckers JF (1996) Ruminant pregnancy-associated glycoproteins as seric parameter to diagnose and follow ongoing or failing pregnancies. VIII International Symposium of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians, Jerusalem Israel, August 4-9th. (Communication + Poster Copy)

57. Ectors FJ, Drion PV, Delval A, Smith LC, Sulon J, Zaaijer D, Szenci O, Remy B, Beckers JF, Ectors F (1996) Interests of pregnancy follow-up in cows after embryo transfer special focusing on IVP & NT origin. 12nd Annual Meeting AETE, September 13-14th, Lyon France, p. 95-102. (Communication)

58. Moreira da Silva F, Massart-Leen A, Beckers JF, Russell-Pinto F, Burvenich C (1996) Studies on reproduction and immunity: effect of the reproductive hormones on the oxidative burst activity of bovine polymorphonuclear leukocytes. Commemoration of a Half Centenary of Laction Biology Research at the University of Ghent, Belgique, November 20-22nd. (Abstract + Poster Copy)

59. Delahaut Ph, Sulon J, Ectors F, Beckers JF (1996) Le diagnostic au service de la reproduction: fertilité-gestation-anoestrus. Actualité Scientifique: Reproduction et Production Laitière, Edition Aupelf-Uref, p. 95-102. (Communication)

60. Tainturier D, Bedel M, Beckers JF, Fieni F, Bruyas JF (1996) Cinétique de la bPAG (bovine pregnancy-associated glycoprotein) dans le plasma et dans le lait au cours des trois semaines suivant le part chez la vache laitière. Actualité Scientifique : Reproduction et Production Laitière, Edition Aupelf-Uref, p. 129-133. (Communication)

61. Chemli J, Tainturier D, Beckers JF, Hmidi L, Zaiem I (1996) Diagnostic précoce de gestation chez les bovins par dosage d’une protéine trophoblastique : la protéine bovine associée à la gestation (bPAG: bovine pregnancy-associated glycoprotein). Actualité Scientifique : Reproduction et Production Laitière, Edition Aupelf-Uref, p. 179-192. (Communication)

62. Xie S, Nagel RJ, Green J, Beckers JF, Roberts RM (1996) Trophoblast-specific processing and phosphorylaton of pregnancy-associated glycoprotein-1 in day 15 to 25 sheep placenta. Biology of Reproduction, 54(1):122-129. (Article)

63. Osborn DA, Beckers JF, Sulon J, Gassett JW, White L, Murphy BP, Miller KV, Marchinton RL (1996) Use of two pregnancy-associated glycoprotein RIA’s for pregnancy diagnosis in white-tailed deer. Journal of Wildlife Management, 60(2):388-393. (Article)

64. Schmidt M, Greve T, Avery B, Beckers JF, Sulon J, Hansen HB (1996) Pregnancies, calves and calf viability after transfer of in vitro produced bovine embryos. Theriogenology, 46(3):527-539. (Article)

65. Skinner JG., Gray D, Gebbie FE, Beckers JF, Sulon J (1996) Field evaluation of pregnancy diagnosis using bovine pregnancy-associated glycoprotein (bPAG). Cattle Practice, BCVA, 4:281-284. (Article)


66. Ectors FJ, Sulon J, Delval A, Remy B, Drion PV, Beckers JF (1997) Bovine pregnancy-associated glycoprotein profiles as indicators of trophoblastic function after in vitro manipulation or culture. Reproduction in Domestic Animals: Physiology, Pathology, Biotechnology, 30th Conference on Physiology and Pathology of Reproduction, Wien, Austria, February 20-21st,32(1-2):52. (Abstract)

67. Ranilla MJ, Gebbie FE, Mitchell LM, King ME, Skinner JG, Beckers JF Robinson JJ (1997) Pregnancy-associated glycoprotein (PAG) in postpartum ewes. British Society of Animal Science, p. 185. (Abstract + Poster Copy)

68. Beckers JF, Zarrouk A, Batalha E, Garbayo JM, Roberts RM (1997) [A nöivarú szarvasmarhák korai vemhességi diagnózisának lehetöségei vemhességi fehérjék meghatározásával]. Endocrinology of pregnancy in ruminants: chorionic somatomammotropin and pregnancy-associated glycoproteins. Buiatric Congress in Budapest, May 22nd, Magyar Buiatrikusok Társasága, p. 11-20. (Communication)

69. Garbayo JM, Remy B, Alabart JL, Folch J, Wattiez R, Beckers JF (1997) Isolation and characterization of a caprine pregnancy-associated glycoprotein (cPAG). 30th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction (SSR), Portland, Oregon, USA. August 2-5th. Biology of Reproduction 56 (Supplement 1), p. 89. (Abstract + Poster Copy)

70. Sousa NM, Garbayo JM, Figueiredo JR, Sulon J and Beckers JF (1997) [Perfis de PAG (pregnancy-associated glycoprotein) durante a gestação e período pós-parto e perfis de progesterone durante a gestação em cabras natives do Nordeste do Brasil]. Pregnancy-associated glycoprotein (PAG) profiles during pregnancy and postpartum and progesterone (P4) profiles during pregnancy in native goats from Northeast of Brazil. Arquivos da Faculdade de Veterinária da UFRGS, 25(1):304-305. (Abstract)

71. Moreira da Silva F, Burvenich C, Paape MJ, Beckers JF, Leen AM (1997) Effect of cortisol, estradiol, progesterone and pregnancy-associated glycoprotein on oxidative (OB) activity of bovine neutrophils (PMN). 32nd National Meeting-Hyatt Regency Baltimore, Society for Leukocyte Biology, December. (Abstract)

72. Ali M, Gebbie FE, Sinclair KD, Hutchinson JSM, Beckers JF, Broadbent PJ (1997) Half-life of serum bovine pregnancy-associated glycoprotein (bPAG), post-partum anoestrus and performance of beef cows. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, Abstract Series 20, p. 25. (Abstract)

73. Aguilar B, Vos PLAM, Beckers JF, Hensen EJ, Dieleman SJ (1997) The role of the major histocompatibility complex in bovine embryo transfer. Theriogenology, 47(1):111-120. (Review Article)

74. Sousa NM, Figueiredo JR, Gonçalves PBD, Beckers JF (1997) Protéinas placentárias em mamíferos. Ciência Animal, 7(1):43-55. (Review Article)

75. Ranilla MJ, Sulon J, Mantecón AR, Beckers JF, Carro MD (1997) Plasma pregnancy-associated glycoprotein and progesterone concentrations in pregnant Assaff ewes carrying single and twin lambs. Small Ruminant Research, 24(2):125-131. (Article)

76. Zaiem I, Tainturier D, Ben Othmen H, Beckers JF, Chemli J (1997) Non délivrance et infécondité: intérêts de l’étiproston et du dosage de la PAGI (pregnancy-associated glycoprotein I) au cours du postpartum chez la vache. Revue de Médecine Vétérinaire, 148(8-9):725-732. (Article)

77. Patel OV, Sulon J, Beckers JF, Takahashi T, Hirako M, Sasaki N, Domeki I (1997). Plasma bovine pregnancy-associated glycoprotein concentrations throughout gestation in relationship fetal number in the cow. European Journal of Endocrinology, 137:423-428. (Article)

78. Xie S, Green J, Bao B, Beckers JF, Valdez KE, Low BG, Roberts RM (1997) Multiple pregnancy-associated glycoproteins are secreted by day 100 sheep placenta. Biology of Reproduction, 57(6):1384-1393. (Article)

79. Delahaut Ph, Sulon J, Ectors F, Beckers JF (1997) Le diagnostic de la reproduction: fertilité, gestation, anœstrus. Cahiers Agricultures, 6:137-148. (Review Article)


80. Beckers JF, Drion PV, Garbayo JM, Perényi ZS, Zarrouk A, Sulon J, Remy B, Szenci O (1998) Pregnancy-associated glycoproteins in the ruminants: inactive members of the Aspartic Protease family! Middel European Buiatrics Congress, Siofok-Hungary. May 21-23rd, p. 125-130. (Communication)

81. Les protéines associées à la gestation chez les ruminants : biomarqueurs du 3ème millénaire. 64e Foire Agricole et Forestière de Libramont, July 24-27th, 1998. (Poster copy)

82. Sousa NM, Garbayo JM, Figueiredo JR, Sulon J, Beckers JF (1998) [Sensibilidade e precisão de um rádioimunoensaio heterólogo para PAG (glicoproteína associada à gestação]. Sensitivity and precision of a heterologous PAG (pregnancy-associated glycoprotein) radioimmunoassay. Arquivos da Faculdade de Veterinária da UFRGS, 26(1):372-373. (Abstract)

83. Garbayo JM, Remy B, Alabart JL, Folch J, Wattiez R, Falmagne P, Beckers JF (1998) Isolation and partial characterization of a pregnancy-associated glycoprotein (PAG) family from the goat placenta. Biology of Reproduction, 58(1):109-115. (Article)

84. Szenci O, Taverne MAM, Beckers JF, Sulon J, Varga J, Börzsönyi L, Hanzen Ch, Schekk Gy (1998) Evaluation of false ultrasonographic pregnancy diagnoses in cows by measuring plasma levels of bovine pregnancy-associated glycoprotein 1 (bPAG1). Veterinary Record, 142(2):304-306. (Article)

85. Zarrouk A, Remy B, Sulon J, Drion PV, Desbuleux H, Beckers JF (1998) Endocrinologie de la gestation chez les ruminants: les protéines placentaires. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 142:171-184. (Review Article)

86. Beckers JF, Zarrouk A, Batalha ES, Garbayo JM, Szenci O, Mester L (1998) Endocrinology of pregnancy: chorionic somatomammotropins and pregnancy-associated glycoproteins: review. Acta Veterinaria Hungarica, 46(2):175-189. (Review Article)

87. Szenci O, Beckers JF, Sulon J, Sasser G, Taverne MAM, Varga J, Baltusen R, Schekk Gy (1998) Comparison of ultrasonography, bovine pregnancy specific B, and bovine pregnancy-associated glycoprotein 1 test for pregnancy detection in dairy cows. Theriogenology, 50(1):77-88. (Article)


88. Beckers JF (1999) Les protéines associées à la gestation au service du diagnostic Membres inactifs de la famille des protéinases aspartiques exprimés chez les ruminants, Faculté de Médecine Vétérinaire, Université de Liège. (Review fascicle)

89. Beckers JF (1999) Biomarqueurs de la gestation chez les bovins. Paru dans Entreprise Agricole, p. 18-19. Propos recueils par Yves Meert. (Press Article)

90. Beckers JF (1999) Les protéines associées à la gestation chez les ruminants : Biomarqueurs du 3e millénaire. Paru dans Elevage & Santé, Périodique trimestriel, July (n. 1). (Press Article)

91. Garbayo JM, Green JA, Beckers JF, Roberts RM (1999) Cloning and expression of pregnancy-associated (PAGs) from the caprine placenta. Biology of Reproduction, 60 (Supplemment 1):493. (Abstract)

92. El Amiri B, Garbayo JM, Mecif K, Melo De Sousa N., Banga H, Perenyi Z, Beckers JF (1999) The pregnancy-associated glycoproteins in sheep: new investigations by using the ouchterlony technique. 15th Annual Meeting AETE, September 10-11th, Lyon France, p. 150. (Abstract + Poster Copy)

93. Perényi Zs, Garbayo JM, Sulon J, Duwez L, Szenci O, Beckers JF (1999) PAGs molecules as markers of pregnancy in the bovine: comparison of concentrations obtained by using three different antisera. 15th Annual Meeting AETE, September 10-11th, Lyon, France, p. 162. (Abstract + Poster Copy)

94. González F, Sulon J, Garbayo JM, Batista M, Cabrera F, Calero PO, Gracia A, Beckers JF (1999) Diagnóstico de gestación en la cabra por determinación de las concentraciones de proteínas asociadas a la gestación (PAG). ITEA, VIII Jornadas sobre Producción Animal, Asociacion Interprofesional para El dessarrollo Agrario. Vol Extra n. 20, Tomo II, p. 681-683. (Communication)

95. Gajewski Z, Beckers JF, Melo de Sousa N, Thun R, Sulon J (1999) Postepy Biologii Komorki, Advances in Cell Biology, 26 (Supplement 12):89-96. (Article)

96. Dosogne H, Burvenich C, Freeman AE, Kehrli JR, Detilleux JC, Sulon J, Beckers JF, Hoeben D (1999) Pregnancy-associated glycoprotein and decreased polymorphonuclear leukocyte function in early post-partum dairy cows. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 67(1):47-54. (Article)

97. Beckers JF (1999) Le Titre de Docteur Honoris Causa de l’Université de Liège au Professeur Michael R Roberts de l’Université du Missouri – Séance académique du 26 November 1998. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 143:53-54. (Short communication)

98. Sousa NM, Garbayo JM, Figueiredo JR, Sulon J, Gonçalves PBD, Beckers JF (1999) Pregnancy-associated glycoprotein and progesterone profiles during pregnancy and post partum in native goats from the north-east of Brazil. Small Ruminant Research, 32(2):137-147. (Article)

99. Hoeben D, Burvenich Ch, Massart-Leën AM, Lenjou M, Nijs G, Van Bockstaele D, Beckers JF (1999) In vitro effect of ketone bodies, glucocorticosteroids and bovine pregnancy-associeated glycoprotein on cultures of bone marrow progenitor cells of cows and calves. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 68(2-4):229-240. (Article)

100. Zarrouk A, Engeland I, Sulon J, Beckers JF (1999) Determination of pregnancy-associated glycoprotein concentrations in goats (Capra hircus) with unsuccessful pregnancies: a retrospective study. Theriogenology, 51(7):1321-1331. (Article)

101. Fernandez-Arias A, Alabart JL, Folch J, Beckers JF (1999) Interspecies pregnancy of spanish ibex (Capra pyrenaica) fetus in domestic goat (Capra hircus) recipients induces abnormally high plasmatic levels of pregnancy-associated glycoprotein. Theriogenology, 51(8):1419-1430. (Article)

102. Beckers JF (1999) Les protéines associées à la gestation chez les ruminants: biomarqueurs au service du diagnostic. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 143:253-263. (Review Article)

103. Beckers JF, Drion PV, Garbayo JM, Perenyi Zs, Zarrouk A, Sulon J, Remy B, Szenci O (1999) Pregnancy-associated glycoproteins in ruminants: inactive members of the aspartic proteinase family. Acta Veterinaria Hungarica, 47(2):461-469. (Review Article)

104. Gonzalez F, Sulon J, Garbayo JM, Batista M, Cabrera F, Calero P, Gracia A, Beckers JF (1999) Early pregnancy diagnosis in goats by determination of pregnancy-associated glycoprotein concentrations in plasma samples. Theriogenology, 52(4):717-725. (Article)

105. Zarrouk A, Engeland IV, Sulon J, Beckers JF (1999) Pregnancy-associated glycoprotein levels in pregnant goats inoculated with Toxoplasma gondii or Listeria monocytogenes: a retrospective study. Theriogenology, 52(6):1095-1104. (Article)


106. El Amiri B, Sousa NM, Perenyi Z, Banga-Mboko H, Beckers JF (2000) Pregnancy-associated glycoproteins (PAG) in Bos taurus taurus and Bos taurus indicus. Theriogenology, 53(1):283. (Abstract + Poster Copy)

107. Perenyi Zs, Garbayo JM, Sulon J, Duwez L, Szenci O, Beckers JF (2000) PAGs molecules as markers of pregnancy in the bovine: comparison of concentrations obtained by using three different antisera. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 4:30-31. (Abstract)

108. Gonzalez F, Sulon J, Calero PO, Batista M, Cabrera F, Gracia A, Garbayo JM, Beckers JF (2000) Pregnancy-associated glycoprotein (PAG) detection in milk samples as an aid for pregnancy diagnosis. 7th International Conference on Goats, France, May 15-21st, p. 485. (Abstract + Poster Copy)

109. Gonzalez F, Calero P, Quesada E, Garbayo JM, Beckers JF (2000) The pregnancy-associated glycoproteins (PAGs) in the caprine species: fundamental and clinical approach. 7th International Conference on Goats, France, May 15-21st, p. 413-415. (Communication)

110. Derivaux J, Gonzalez F, Calero PO, Beckers JF (2000) Etat hormonal de la chèvre gestante – Diagnostic de la gestation. Paru dans L’Egide, June, n. 19-20. (Press Article)

111. Ropstad E, Eloranta E, Dahl E, Säkkinen KH, Kindahl H, Holand O, Beckers JF (2000) Endocrine changes during pregnancy and early pregnancy detection in reindeer. 14th International Congress on Animal Reproduction, Stockholm. July 2-6th, vol I, p. 195. (Abstract + Poster Copy)

112. Drame ED, Zongo M, Sousa NM, Fall A, Diack A, Sulon J, Beckers JF (2000) Pregnancy-associated glycoprotein concentrations in N’Dama cows followed several months after parturition and maintained with a fertile bull. 16th Annual Meeting AETE, September 8-9th, Santander, Spain, p. 138. (Abstract + Poster Copy)

113. Gonzalez F, Batista M, Quesada E, Calero P, Gracia A, Beckers JF (2000) Detection of pregnancy-associated glycoprotein (PAG) and ultrasonography for diagnosis of pregnancy, hydrometra and embryonic mortality indairy goats. 16th Annual Meeting AETE, September 8-9th, Santander Spain, p. 156. (Abstract + Poster Copy)

114. Sousa NM, Remy B, El Amiri B, Banga-Mboko H, Figueiredo JR, Gonçalves PBD, Wattiez R, Dode MAN, Falmagne P, Beckers JF (2000) Isolation of the pregnancy-associated glycoprotein 1 (PAG-1) from zebu (Bos indicus) placenta. 16th Annual Meeting AETE, September 8-9th, Santander Spain, p. 212. (Abstract + Poster Copy)

115. Ledezma-Torres RA, Beckers JF, Holtz W (2000) Ovine pregnancy-associated glycoprotein (oPAG). Konzentration im Verlauf der Trächtigkeit beim Schaf. Vortragstagung der Deutschen Gesellschaf für Züchtungskunde, September 20-21th, Kiel, Germany, p. D13.

116. Charallah S, Khammar F, Sulon J, Beckers JF (2000) Plasmatic profile of placental protein, “pregnancy-associated glycoprotein” or PAG in Bedouin goat (Capra hircus): preliminary data. European Journal of Physiology, 440(6):20. (Abstract)

117. Sousa NM, Banga-Mboko H, El Amiri B, Perenyi Zs, Sulon J, Figueiredo JR, Beckers JF (2000) Comparison of native and inherited immunoglobulins in rabbits immunized against bovine pregnancy-associated glycoprotein 1 (bo-PAG-1). European Journal of Physiology, 440(6):48. (Abstract + Poster Copy)

118. Banga-Mboko H, Sousa NM, El Amiri B, Perenyi Zs, Beckers JF (2000) Normal ongoing pregnancy in rabbit immunized against bovine pregnancy-associated glycoprotein-1 (boPAG-1). European Journal of Physiology, , 440(6):62. (Abstract + Poster Copy)

119. Derivaux J, Sulon J, Pirson JL, Sousa NM, Gonzalez F, Calero PO, Beckers JF (2000) Chez la chèvre gestante: climat hormonal et diagnostic de la gestation. Paru dans Le Sillon Belge, October 2000, p. 18. (Press Article)

120. Sousa NM, Figueiredo JR, Derivaux J, Beckers JF (2000) Influence potentielle des hormones de la gestation sur l’état immunitaire de la mère. Conséquences diagnostiques. Carré des Sciences sur Immunologie et Gestation. Association pour l’Etude de la Reproduction Animal, Paris, France, pp. 29-48. (Communication)

121. Beckers JF (2000) Les protéines associées à la gestation au service du diagnostic. Emission Radio-Agricole du samedi 30 décembre 2000, interview par Fabrice Thomas. (Communication)

122. Zarrouk A, Drion PV, Drame ED, Beckers JF (2000) Pseudogestation chez la chèvre: facteur d’infécondité. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 144(1):19-21. (Review Article)

123. Hoeben D, Monfardini E, Opsomer G, Burvenich C, Dosogne H, De Kruif A, Beckers JF (2000) Chemiluminescence of bovine polymorphonuclear leucocytes during the periparturient period and relation with metabolic markers and bovine pregnancy-associated glycoprotein. Journal of Dairy Research, May 2000, 67(2), 249-259. (Article)

124. González F, Sulon J, Garbayo JM, Batista M, Cabrera F, Calero PO, Gracia A, Beckers JF (2000) Secretory profiles of pregnancy-associated glycoproteins at different stages of pregnancy in the goat. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 35:79-82. (Article)

125. Szenci O, Humblot P, Beckers JF, Sasser G, Sulon J, Baltusen R, Varga J, Bajcsy, Acs, Taverne MAM (2000) Plasma profiles of progesterone and conceptus proteins in cows with spontaneous embryonic/fetal mortality as diagnosed by ultasonography. The Veterinary Journal, 159:287-290. (Article)

126. Szenci O, Beckers JF, Varga J, Bajcsy Acs (2000) The accuracy of the diagnoses of early pregnancy and late embryonic mortality in the cow: a review. Folia Veterinaria, 44(4):199-201. (Review Article)

127. Green JA, Xie S, Quan X., Bao B, Gan X., Mathialagan N, Beckers JF, Roberts RM (2000) Pregnancy-associated bovine and ovine glycoproteins exhibit spatially and temporally distinct expression patterns during pregnancy. Biology of Reproduction, 62(6), 1624-1631. (Article)

128. Garbayo JM, Green JA, Manikkam M, Beckers JF, Kiesling DO, Ealy AD, Roberts RM (2000) Caprine pregnancy-associated glycoproteins (PAG): their cloning, expression, and evolutionary relationship to other PAG. Molecular Reproduction and Development, 57:311-322. (Article)


129. Sousa NM, Remy B, El Amiri B, Banga-Mboko H, Perenyi Z, Figueiredo JR, Gonçalves PBD, Wattiez R, Falmagne P, Beckers JF (2001) Identification of pregnancy-associated glycoprotein 1 (PAG-1) in zebu (Bos indicus) placenta. Theriogenology, 55(1):327. (Abstract + Poster Copy)
130. Vos PLAM, Perenyi Zs, Jonker FH, de Ruigh L, van Wagtendonk AM, Breukelman S, Taverne MAM, Beckers JF, Dieleman SJ (2001) Bovine pregnancy-associated glycoprotein plasma concentrations during successful pregnancies after transfer of in vitro-produced bovine embryos. Theriogenology, 55(1):328. (Abstract)
131. El Amiri B, Remy B, Sulon J, Desbuleux H, Banga-Mboko H, Sousa NM, Beckers JF (2001) Isolation and partial purification of pregnancy-associated glycoproteins from sheep placenta. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Societé et Environnement, 5(1):23-24. (Abstract)
132. Sousa NM, Sulon J, Remy B, Dode MAN., Banga-Mboko H, Perényi Z, Gonçalves PBD, El Amiri B, Figueiredo JR, Beckers JF (2001) Radioimmunoassay of pregnancy-associated glycoprotein 1 (PAG1) isolated from zebu (Bos indicus) placenta: preliminary results. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Societé et Environnement, 5(1):24-25. (Abstract + Poster Copy)
133. Banga-Mboko H, Sulon J, Closset J, Remy B, El Amiri B, Sousa NM, Beckers JF (2001) Radioimmunoassay of porcine pepsinogen. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Societé et Environnement, 5(1):25-26. (Abstract)
134. Perényi Z, Sulon J, Szenci O, Beckers JF (2001) The inactive members of the aspartic proteinase family in the ruminant placenta: specificity of three different radioimmunoassay systems. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Societé et Environnement, 5(1):26-27. (Abstract)
135. El Amiri B, Remy B, Sousa NM, Sulon J, Gerardin-Otthiers N., Banga-Mboko H, Desbuleux H, Beckers, JF (2001) Microsequencing of three pregnancy-associated glycoproteins isolated from sheep placenta. 6e Journée de Rencontre Bioforum, BioLiège (Association des Biotechnologistes Liégeois), April 6th, p. 64. (Abstract + Poster Copy)
136. Sousa NM, Figueiredo JR, El Amiri B, Banga-Mboko H, Szenci O, Beckers JF (2001) Chorioví gonadotropin a specifický glykoprotein u březích přežvýkavcŭ [Chorionic gonadotropins and pregnancy-associated glycoproteins in ruminants]. 3rd Central European Buiatric Congress, May 24-25th, Moravian Highlands, Czech Republic, p. 430-432. (Communication)
137. Beckers JF (2001) Les protéines associées à la gestation chez les ruminants: biomarqueurs du 3e millénaire. Paru dans Le Sillon Belge, 31 Août, 2001, p. 10. (Press article)
138. Othmani-Mecif K, Benazzoug Y, Remy B, Beckers JF (2001) Partial Purification of rabbit placental PAG (pregnancy-associated glycoprotein). European Journal of Physiology, 442:R105, p. 88. (Abstract)
139. Perènyi Z, Desbuleux H, Sulon J, Szenci O, Banga-Mboko H, El Amiri B, Sousa NM, Beckers, JF (2001) Ability of three different antisera to recognize pregnancy-associated glycoproteins in heifers during the first fifty days of gestation. 17th Annual Meeting AETE, September 10-11th, Lyon, France, p. 162. (Abstract + Poster Copy)
140. Kornmatitsuk B, Dahl E, Ropstad E, Beckers JF, Forsberg M, Gustafsson H, Kindahl H (2001) Monitoring of foetal viability with endocrine parameters during late pregnancy and parturition in dairy cows. 5th Conference of the European Society for Domestic Animal Reproduction, September 13-15th, Vienna, Austria. (Abstract)
141. Karen A, Beckers JF, Sulon J, Szabados K, Szenci O (2001) [A juhok korai vemhességének megállaoítása progeszeteron és a vemhességi fehérje meghatároásával] Early pregancy diagnosis in sheep by progesterone and pregnancy-associated glycoprotein tests. 12th Magyar Buiatrikus Kongresszus, October 12-14th, Balatonfüred, Hungary, p. 107-108. (Communication)
142. Debenedetti A, Sousa NM, Sulon J, Beckers JF, Barbato O, Malfatti A (2001) Pregnancy-associated glycoprotein detection by RIA in pregnant buffalo cows (Bubalus bubalis). Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Societé et Environnement, 5 (Suppl.):62. (Abstract)
143. Zongo M, Pitala W, Boly H., Leroy P, Sousa NM, Beckers JF, Sawagadogo L (2001). Profil de la LH à l’oestrus induit des taurin Gourunsi et zébu Azawak. Annales de l’Université de Ouagadougou, Série B, vol. IX, p. 163-179.
144. Van Cauwenberge A, Nonclercq D, Laurent G, Zanen J, Beckers JF, Alexandre H, Heuson-Stiennon JA, Toubeau G (2001). Immunocytochemistry of the golden hamster pituitary during chronic administration of diethylstilbestrol: a quantitative analysis using laser scanning microscopy. Histochem Cell Biol, 115:169-178 (Article)
145. Zarrouk A, Souilem O, Drion PV, Beckers JF (2001) Caractéristiques de la reproduction de l’espèce caprine. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 145(2):98-105. (Review Article)
146. Karen A, Kovács P, Beckers JF, Szenci O (2001) Pregnancy diagnosis in sheep: review of the most practical methods. Acta Veterinaria Brunensis, 70:115-126. (Review Article)
147. Gonzalez F, Sulon J, Calero P, Batista M, Gracia A, Beckers JF (2001) Pregnancy-associated glycoproteins (PAG) detection in milk samples for pregnancy diagnosis in dairy goats. Theriogenology, 56:671-676. (Article)
148. Batalha ES, Sulon J, Figueiredo JR, Beckers JF, Martins GA, Silva LDM (2001) Relationship between maternal concentrations of caprine pregnancy-associated glycoprotein in Alpine goats and the number of fetuses using a homologous radioimmunoassay. Small Ruminant Research, 42:105-109. (Article)
149. Batalha ES, Sulon J, Figueiredo JR, Beckers JF, Espeschit CJB, Martins R, Silva LDM (2001) Plasma profile of pregnancy-associated glycoprotein (PAG) in pregnant Alpine goats using two radioimmunoassay (RIA) systems. Small Ruminant Research, 42:111-118. (Article)
150. Sousa NM, Figueiredo JR, Beckers JF (2001) Placental proteins in ruminants: biochemical, physiological and zootechnical aspects. In: R Renaville and A Burny (eds), Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry, Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands, p. 179-208. (Book chapter)
151. Gonzalez F, Calero P, Beckers JF (2001) Induction of superovulation in domestic ruminants. In: R Renaville and A Burny (eds), Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry, Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands, p. 209-223. (Book chapter)


152. Beckers JF (2002) Suivi de gestation : L’évolution des taux de protéines associées à la gestation se précise. Paru dans L’Hebdo Vétérinaire, January 21th, n. 75, Le Cahier des Filières n. 9. Propos recueils par Fabienne Constant. (Press Article)
153. Ledezma-Torres RA, Beckers JF, Holtz W (2002) Plasma pregnancy-associated glycoprotein (PAG) profiles in sheep. 35th Annual Meeting on Physiology and Pathology of Reproduction of the German Veterinary Medical Society, February 14-15th, p. 153. (Abstract)
154. Perényi Z, Desbuleux H, Sulon J, Banga-Mboko H, Sousa NM, El Amiri B, Szenci O, Beckers JF (2002) Pregnancy-associated glycoprotein profiles of 5 heifers measured by three radioimmunoassay systems. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Societé et Environnement, 6(1):6-7. (Abstract)
155. Karen A, Beckers JF, Sulon J, Sousa NM, Szabados K, Reczigel J, Szenci O (2002) Early pregnancy diagnosis in sheep by progesterone and pregnancy-associated glycoprotein tests. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Societé et Environnement, 6(1):8. (Abstract)
156. Sousa NM, Zongo M, Pitala W, Boly H, Sanon MG, Sawadogo L, Rutten A, Dode MAN., Figueiredo JR, El Amiri B, Perènyi Z, Beckers JF (2002) Pregnancy-associated glycoprotein concentrations during pregnancy and postpartum periods in zébu cattle. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Societé et Environnement, 6(1):10-11. (Abstract)
157. El Amiri B, Remy B, Sousa NM, Gerardin-Otthiers N, Desbuleux H, Perènyi Z, Banga-Mboko H, Beckers JF (2002) Purification and characterization of a pregnancy-associated glycoprotein (ovPAG-6) from sheep placenta removed between 66 to 100 days of gestation. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Societé et Environnement, 6(1):11-12. (Abstract)
158. Banga-Mboko H, Thilman P, Desbulleux H, Aoumeur N., Youssao I, Perènyi Z, Sousa NM, El Amiri B, Leroy P, Beckers JF (2002) Pepsinogen and progesterone concentration during pregnancy in sows. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Societé et Environnement, 6(1):12-13. (Abstract)
159. El Amiri B, Remy B, Sousa NM, Banga-Mboko H, Perènyi Z, Gerardin-Otthiers N, Beckers JF (2002) Pregnancy-associated glycoproteins isolated from the ewe placenta removed at two different stages of gestation. 7e Journée de Rencontre Bioforum, BioLiège (Association des Biotechnologistes Liégeois), May 3rd, p. 25. (Abstract + Poster Copy)
160. Metelo R, Sulon J, Moreira da Silva F, Beckers JF (2002) Preliminary results for measuring bovine PAG in milk samples. 7e Journée de Rencontre Bioforum, BioLiège (Association des Biotechnologistes Liégeois), May 3rd, p. 32. (Abstract + Poster Copy)
161. El Amiri B, Remy B, Sousa NM, Sulon J, Gerardin-Otthiers N, Desbuleux H, Perenyi Z, Banga-Mboko H, Beckers JF (2002) Investigations nouvelles sur les protéines associées à la gestation chez la brebis en vue d’application clinique, 19e Congrès Vétérinaire Maghrébin, Tunis, May 25th. (Abstract)
162. Beckers JF (2002) Des hormones au service de l’élevage. Paru dans Les Elevages Belges, June 2002, n. 6, p. 25. (Press Article)
163. Quesada E, Gonzalez F, Calero P, Cabrera F, Batista M, Sulon J, Beckers JF, Gracia A (2002) Comparison between transrectal ultrasonography and pregnancy-associated glycoprotein determination for early pregnancy diagnosis in the goat. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 37(4):247. (Abstract + Poster Copy)
164. Ropstad E, Kalberg K, Dahl E, Waage S, Fjerdingby N, Vath T, Beckers JF (2002) PAG profiles in postpartum dairy cows and newborn calves. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 37(4):249. (Abstract)
165. Taverne MAM, Breukelman S, Perenyi Z, Dieleman SJ, Vos PLAM, Jonker HF, de Ruigh L, Ven Wagtendonk-de Leeuw AM, Beckers JF (2002) The monitoring of bovine pregnancies derived from transplantation of in vitro produced embryos. 18th Annual Meeting AETE, September 6-7th, Rolduc, The Netherlands, p. 91-101. (Communication)
166. Calero P, Gonzalez F, Cabrera F, Quesada E, Batista M, Rodriguez N, Sulon J, Beckers JF, Gracia A (2002) Pregnancy-associated glycoproteins (PAG) concentrations in embryo recipient goats and mated goats. 18th Annual Meeting AETE, September 6-7th, Rolduc, The Netherlands, p. 148. (Abstract + Poster copy)
167. El Amiri B, Remy B, Sousa NM, Gerardin-Ottiers N, Beckers JF (2002) Pregnancy-associated glycoproteins isolated from ewe placenta. 18th Annual Meeting AETE, September 6-7th, Rolduc, The Netherlands, p. 166. (Abstract)
168. Perenyi Z, Breukelman S, Taverne MAM, Vos PLAM, de Ruigh L, van Wagtendonk AM, Dieleman S, Szenci O, Beckers JF (2002) [Vemhességi fehérje és progeszteron koncentráció alakulása embrionális mortalitást mutató tehenekben in vitro és in vivo elöllított embriók beültetését követöen]. Pregnancy-associated glycoprotein and progesterone levels in cows showing pregnancy failure after transfer of in vitro vs in vivo produced embryos. 13th Magyar Buiatrikus Kongresszus, October 10-12th, Hajdúszoboszló, Hungary, p. 76-79. (Abstract)
169. Karen A, Szabados K, Beckers JF, Szenci O (2002) Evaluation of transrectal ultrasonography for determination of pregnancy in sheep. 13th Magyar Buiatrikus Kongresszus, October 10-12th, Hajdúszoboszló, Hungary, p. 158-161. (Abstract)
170. Sousa NM, El Amiri B, Remy B, Drion PV, Beckers JF (2002) Signaux embryonnaires de la gestation. Journées Européennes de la Société Française de Buiatrie, October 29-31st, Paris, France, p. 95-115. (Communication)
171. Sousa NM, El Amiri B, Sulon J, Beckers JF (2002) Dosages réalisables pour le diagnostic de gestation. Journées Européennes de la Société Française de Buiatrie, October 29-31st, Paris, France, p. 137-152. (Communication)
172. Sousa NM, Figueiredo JR, El Amiri B, Banga-Mboko H, Beckers JF (2002) Influence potentielle des hormones et protéines synthétisées au cours de la gestation sur l’état immunitaire de la mère. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 146(2):71-83. (Review Article)
173. Perényi Z, Szenci O, Sulon J, Drion PV, Beckers JF (2002) Comparison of the ability of three radioimmunoassay to detect pregnancy-associated glycoproteins in bovine plasma. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 37:100-104. (Article)
174. Sousa NM, Remy B, El Amiri B, Figueiredo JR, Banga-Mboko H, Gonçalves PBD, Beckers JF (2002) Characterization of pregnancy-associated glycoproteins extracted from zebu (Bos indicus) placentas removed at different gestational periods. Reproduction, Nutrition, Development, 42(3):227-241. (Article)
175. Othmani-Mecif K, Benazzoug Y, Beckers JF (2002) Protéine associée à la gestation ou PAG de lapine. Isolement et purification partielle. Mise au point d’un dosage RIA. Sciences & Technologie, Numéro Spécial D, Université Mentouri, Algérie, p. 83-87. (Article)
176. Kornmatitsuk B, Veronesi MC, Madej A, Dahl E, Ropstad E, Beckers JF, Forsberg M, Gustafsson H, Kindahl H (2002) Hormonal measurements in late pregnancy and parturition in dairy cows-possible tools to monitor foetal well being. Animal Reproduction Science, 72(3-4):153-164. (Article)
177. Banga-Mboko H, Godeau LM, Drion PV, El Amiri B, Drion V, Perènyi Z, Sousa NM, Beckers JF (2002) Evaluation de l’utilisation de pepsinogène sanguin comme bio-marqueur de l’intégrité de la muqueuse gastrique chez le porc: synthèse des connaissances. 1. Historique, physiopathologie de la muqueuse gastrique et différentes formes de pepsinogènes. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 146(6):339-346. (Review Article)
178. Taverne MAM, Breukelman SP, Perényi Z, Dieleman SJ, Vos PLAM, Jonker HH, de Ruigh L, Van Wagtendonk-De Leeuw JM, Beckers JF (2002) The monitoring of bovine pregnancies derived from transfer of in vitro produced embryos. Reproduction, Nutrition, Development, 42:613-624. (Review Article)
179. Perényi Z, Szenci O, Drion PV, Banga Mboko H, Sousa NM, El Amiri B, Beckers JF (2002) Aspartic proteinase members secreted by the ruminant placenta: specificity of three radioimmunoassay system for the measurement of pregnancy-associated glycoproteins. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 37:324-329. (Article)


180. Alomar M, Sulon J, El Amiri B, Sousa NM, Beckers JF (2003) Progesterone, cortisol and pregnancy-associated glycoprotein concentrations in three aborted cows. 8e Journée de Rencontre Bioforum, BioLiège (Association des Biotechnologistes Liégeois), May 9th, p. 8. (Abstract + Poster Copy)
181. Charallat-Chérif S, Sulon J, Amirat Z, Beckers JF, Khammar F (2003) Intérêt du dosage des glycoprotéines associées à la gestation (PAGs), comparés à la progestérone, dans le diagnostic de la gestation chez la chèvre bédouine. 23e Congrès National de la Société Algérienne d’Endocrinologie et Métabolisme, June 17-18th, Alger, Algérie. (Abstract)
182. Interview sur “Diagnostic de gestation: Quels dosages? Propos recueils par Thierry Renaud. L’Action Vétérinaire, June 2003, n. 1644, p. 10-12. (Press Article)
183. Barbato O, Sousa NM, Malfati A, Beckers JF, De Santis G, Debenedetti A (2003) Purificazione delle proteine associate alla gestazione (PAG) nella bufala (Bubalus bubalis): risultati preliminari. 2o Congresso Nazionale sull’Allevamento del Bufalo, August 28-30th, Monterotondo, Italia, p. 279-283. (Communication)
184. Beckers JF (2003) Diagnostic de la gestation chez les ovins. Le Sillon Belge, August 29th, p. 27. (Press Article)
185. El Amiri B, Cognié Y, Sulon J, Alvarez Oxiley A, Aurel MR, Lagriffoul G, Douaik A, Sousa NM, Beckers JF (2003) Pregnancy-associated glycoprotein concentrations in plasma and milk samples for early pregnancy diagnosis in Lacaune dairy sheep. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 38(4):322. (Abstract)
186. El Amiri B, Karen A, Sulon J, Alvarez Oxiley A, Alomar M, Sousa NM, Beckers JF (2003) Validation of two homologous radioimmunoassays for measuring pregnancy-associated glycoprotein in ewes. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 38(4):358. (Abstract + Poster Copy)
187. Rodríguez N, González F, Cabrera F, Batista M, Álamo D, Sulon J, Beckers JF, Gracia A (2003) Comparison of transrectal ultrasound scanning, progesterone and Pregnancy-associated glycoprotein assays in plasma samples for early pregnancy diagnosis in the goat. 19th Annual Meeting AETE, September 12-13th, Rostock, Germany, p. 206. (Abstract)
188. Karen A, Szabados K, Beckers JF, Szenci O (2003) Accuracy of transrectal ultrasonography for determination of pregnancy in sheep: Effect of the type of ultrasound scanner. 14th Magyar Buiatrikus Kongresszus, Keszthely, Hungary, p.181-184. (Abstract)
189. Verberckmoes S, Vandaele L, De Cat S, El Amiri B, Sulon J, Duchateau L, Van Soom A, Beckers JF (2003) Pregnancy diagnosis in sheep by means of ultrasound and ovine pregnancy-associated glycoprotein (ovPAGs). 10th International Symposium on Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics, November 17- 21st, p. 766. (Abstract)
190. Vandaele L, Verberckmoes S, De Cat S, El Amiri B, Sulon J, Duchateau L, Van Soom A (2003). Effect of different pregnancy parameters on ovine Pregnancy-Associated Glycoprotein (ovPAG) concentrations. In Proceedings Annual meeting of the FNRS, 2003. (Poster)
191. Répási A, Beckers JF, Sulon J, Perenyi Z, Reiczigel J, Szenci O (2003) Effect of different doses of prostaglandin on the area of corpus luteum, the largest follicle and progesterone concentration in the dairy cow. Reprod Domest Anim, 38:423-428. (Article)
192. Banga-Mboko H, Halloy D, Perènyi Z, El Amiri B, Sousa NM, Beckers JF (2003) Pregnancy in rabbits actively immunized against bovine pregnancy-associated glycoprotein-1. Fertility and Sterility, 79(1):226-227. (Short communication)
193. El Amiri B, Remy B, Sousa NM, Joris B, Gerardin Ottiers N., Perenyi Z, Banga Mboko H, Beckers JF (2003) Isolation and partial characterization of three pregnancy-associated glycoproteins from the ewe placenta. Molecular Reproduction and Development, 64:199-206. (Article)
194. Sousa NM, Zongo M, Pitala W, Boly H, Sawadogo L, Sanon M, Figueiredo JR, Gonçalves PBD, El Amiri B, Perènyi Z, Beckers JF (2003) Pregnancy-associated glycoprotein concentrations during pregnancy and the postpartum period in azawak zebu cattle. Theriogenology, 59(5-6):1131-1142. (Article)
195. El Amiri B, Sousa NM, Mecif K, Desbuleux H, Banga-Mboko H, Beckers JF (2003) Double radial immunodiffusion as tool to identify pregnancy-associated glycoproteins in ruminant and nonruminant placentae. Theriogenology, 59(5-6):1291-1301. (Article)
196. Banga-Mboko H, Godeau JM, Drion PV, Sidikou ID, Remy B, Beckers JF (2003) Evaluation de l’utilisation du pepsinogène sanguin comme biomarqueur de l’intégrité de la muqueuse gastrique chez le porc. 2. Méthodes de dosage et intérêt en pathologie porcine. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 147(2):95-104. (Review Article)
197. Banga-Mboko H, Holtz W, Maes D, Sohnrey B, El Amiri B, Youssao I., Sangilt PT, Beckers JF (2003) Blood serum pepsinogen and progesterone concentrations during pregnancy and lactation in sows. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 2(3):170-175. (Article)
198. El Amiri B, Karen A, Cognié Y, Sousa NM, Hornick JL, Szenci O, Beckers JF (2003) Diagnotic et suivi de gestation chez la brebis: réalités et perspectives. Productions Animales INRA, 16(2):79-90. (Review Article)
199. Banga-Mboko H, Sulon J, Closset J, Remy B, Youssao I., Sousa NM, El Amiri B, Sangild PT, Maes D, Beckers JF (2003) An improved radioimmunoassay for measurement of pepsinogen in porcine blood samples. The Veterinary Journal, 165(3):288-295. (Article)
200. Karen A, Beckers JF, Sulon J, Sousa NM, Szabados K, Reczigel J, Szenci O (2003) Early pregnancy diagnosis in sheep by progesterone and pregnancy-associated glycoprotein tests. Theriogenology, 59(9):1941-1948. (Article)
201. Szenci O, Beckers JF, Sulon J, Bevers MM, Borzsonyi L, Fodor L, Kovacs F, Taverne MAM (2003) Effect of induction of late embryonic mortality on plasma profiles of pregnancy-associated glycoprotein 1 in heifers. The Veterinary Journal, 165(3):307-313. (Article)
202. Drion PV, Hanzen C, Wirth D, Beckers JF, Leboeuf B, Ropstad E, Balligand M, Bauvir E, Gabriel A, Collin B (2003) Physiologie de la reproduction et endocrinologie chez les cervides: une revue. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 147(5):291-313. (Review article)
203. Karen A, Beckers JF, Sulon J, El Amiri B, Szabados K, Ismail S, Reiczigel J, Szenci O (2003) Evaluation of false transrectal ultrasonographic pregnancy diagnoses in sheep by measuring the plasma level of pregnancy-associated glycoproteins. Reproduction, Nutrition, Development, 43(6):577-586. (Article)
204. Szafranska B, Panasiewicz G, Majewska M, Beckers JF (2003) Chorionic expression of heterogeneous products of the PAG (pregnancy-associated glycoprotein) gene family secreted in vitro throughout embryonic and foetal development in the pig. Reproduction, Nutrition, Development, 43(6):497-516. (Article)
205. Banga-Mboko H, Tamboura H, Maes D, Traore H, Youssao I, Sangild PT, El Amiri B, Bayala B, Remy B, Beckers JF (2003) Survey of gastric lesions and blood pepsinogen levels in pigs in Burkina Faso. Veterinary Research Communications, 27(8):595-602. (Article)
206. Moreira da Silva F, Sousa NM, Figueiredo JR, Beckers JF (2003) Proteinas placentaria excretadas para a circulação materna: Auxilio no diagnóstico de gestação e no estudo da mortalidade embrionária em bovinos. [Placental proteins secreted in maternal circulation: useful indicators for both pregnancy diagnosis and embryonic mortality in bovine species]. Revista Portuguesa de Zootecnia, 10(1):99-121. (Review Article)


207. Touati K, Sousa NM, Gangl M, Alvarez-Oxiley AV, Revy D, Van der Weijden GC, Taverne MAM, Szenci O, Sertyn D, Beckers JF (2004) Investigation on prenatal endocrinology: preliminary results on long term catheterisation of bovine foetuses. Reproduction, Abstract Series 31, P26. (Abstract + Poster copy)
208. Alvarez-Oxiley AV, Sousa NM, Touati K, Revy D, Van der Weijden GC, Taverne MAM, Hornick JL, Sulon J, Beckers JF (2004) Radioimmunoassay of bovine placental lactogen (bPL) using an antiserum raised in guinea pigs: measurement in foetal plasma. Reproduction, Abstract Series 31, P27. (Abstract + Poster copy)
209. Vandaele L, Verberckmoes S, De Cat S, El Amiri B, Sulon J, Duchateau L, Van Soom A, Beckers JF (2004) Use of heterologous and homologous radioimmunoassay (RIA) for ovine pregnancy-associated glycoprotein (ovPAG) determination to detect pregnancy in sheep. Reproduction, Abstract Series 31, p. O11. (Abstract)
210. Karen A, Beckers JF, Sulon J, Kocács P, Reicziegel J, Szenci O (2004) [A juhok korai vemhességének megállapítása]. Early pregnancy diagnosis in sheep. 5th Middle-European Buiatrics Congress, June 2-5th, Hajdúszoboszló, Hungary, p. 677-681. (Abstract)
211. Tomašković A, Prvanović N, Beckers JF, Sulon J, Cergolj M, Getz I, Grizelj J, Samardźija M, Karadjole T (2004) PAG and progesterone profiles in IVF pregnancy after hormonal stimulation and ovum-pick-up methods in cows. 5th Middle-European Buiatrics Congress, June 2-5th, Hajdúszoboszló, Hungary, p. 707-712. (Abstract)
212. Szenci O, Beckers JF (2004) [Embrionális mortalitás diagnosztikai lehetőségei szarvasmarhában]. Recent possibilities for the diagnosis of embryonic mortality in the cow. 5th Middle-European Buiatrics Congress, June 2-5th, Hajdúszoboszló, Hungary, p. 155-157. (Abstract)
213. Metelo R, Silva S, Sulon J, Beckers JF, Moreira da Silva F (2004) Determination of pregnancy-associated glycoproteins (bPAG) in cow’s milk. 23rd World Buiatrics Congress, Québec, July 11-16th, p. 75. (Abstract + Poster Copy)
214. Gajewski Z, Beckers JF, Thun R (2004) Determination of pregnancy-associated glycoprotein, P4, E1S and PgFM concentrations in the sheep during pregnancy. 23rd World Buiatrics Congress, Québec, July 11-16th, p. 98. (Abstract)
215. Beckers JF, Touati K, Alvarez-Oxiley AV, Sousa NM (2004) Embryonic signals and pregnancy diagnosis in ruminants. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 39(4):252. (Workshop Abstract)
216. Szenci O, Taverne MAM, Beckers JF (2004) New possibilities for the diagnosis of early pregnancy (EP) and late embryonic mortality (LEM) in the cow. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 39(4):252. (Workshop Abstract)
217. Vandaele L, Verberckmoes S, Van Soom A, El Amiri B, Duchateau L, Sulon J, Beckers JF (2004) Ovine pregnancy-associated glycoprotein profiles in ewes pregnant with singletons or twins. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 39(4):278. (Workshop Abstract)
218. Gajewski Z, Beckers JF, Sousa, NM, Thun R (2004) Use of pregnancy specific proteins, P4, PGFM and E1S assays to monitor pregnancy in sheep. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 39(4):288. (Workshop Abstract)
219. Haugejorden G, Dahl E, Karlberg K, Waage S, Odegaard S, Vatn T, Beckers JF, Ropstad E (2004) Pregnancy associated glycoproteins (PAG) in postpartum cows, ewes, goats and their offspring. 15th International Congress on Animal Reproduction, Porto Seguro, Brazil, August 8-12th, 100 (Abstract).
220. Sousa NM, Gonzalez F, Karen A, El Amiri B, Sulon J, Baril G, Cognié Y, Szenci O, Beckers JF (2004) Diagnostic et suivi de gestation chez la chèvre et la brebis. 11e Rencontres autour des Recherches sur les Ruminants, La Villete, Paris, December 8-9th, p. 377-380. (Communication)
221. Vandaele L, Verberckmoes S, De Cat S, EIAmiri B, Sulon J, Duchateau L, Van Soom A, Beckers JF (2004) Effect of number of lambs, their sex and birth weight on ovine pregnancy-associated glycoprotein (ovPAG) concentrations. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, Abstract Series, 16 (2):192–193. (Abstract)
222. Verberckmoes S, Vandaele L, De Cat S, El Amiri B, Sulon J, Duchateauc L, Van Soom A, Beckers JF (2004) Detection of late embryonic mortality by means of ovine Pregnancy-Associated Glycoproteins. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, Abstract Series, 16 (2):193. (Abstract)
223. Kornmatitsuk B, Dahl E, Ropstad E, Beckers JF, Gustafsson HG, Kindahl, H (2004) Endocrine profiles, haematology and pregnancy outcomes of late pregnant Holstein dairy heifers sired by bulls giving a high or low incidence of stillbirth. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica, 45 (1-2), 47-68. (Article)
224. Vathtiala S, Säkkinen H, Dahl E, Eloranda E, Beckers JF, Ropstad E (2004) Ultrasonography in early pregnancy diagnosis and measurements of fetal size in reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus). Theriogenology, 61:785-795. (Article)
225. Verberckmoes S, Vandaele L, De Cat S, El Amiri B, Sulon J, Duchateau L, de Kruif A, Beckers JF, Van Soom A (2004) A new test for early pregnancy diagnosis in sheep: determination of ovine pregnancy-associated glycoprotein (ovPAG) concentration by means of a homologous radioimmunoassay. Vlaams Diergeneeskundig Tijdschrift, 73(2):119-127. (Article)
226. El Amiri B, Remy B, Sousa NM, Beckers JF (2004) Isolation and characterization of eight pregnancy-associated glycoproteins present at high levels in the ovine placenta between day 60 and day 100 of gestation. Reproduction, Nutrition, Development, 44(3):169-181. (Article)
227. Karen A, Szabados K, Reiczigel J, Beckers JF, Szenci O (2004) Accuracy of transrectal ultrasonography for determination of pregnancy in sheep: effect of fasting and handling of the animals. Theriogenology, 61:1291-1298. (Article)
228. Gonzalez F, Cabrera F, Batista M, Rodriguez N, Alamo D, Sulon J, Beckers JF, Gracia A (2004) A comparison of diagnosis of pregnancy in the goat via transrectal ultrasound scanning, progesterone, and pregnancy-associated glycoprotein assays. Theriogenology, 62(6):1108-1115. (Article)
229. Faye D, Sulon J, Kane Y, Beckers JF, Leak S, Kaboret Y, Sousa NM, Losson B, Geerts S (2004) Effects of an experimental Trypanosoma congolense infection on the reproductive performance of West African Dwarf goats. Theriogenology, 62(8):1438-1451. (Article)


230. Beckers JF (2005) Méthode de diagnostic de la gestation chez les ruminants. Le Sillon Belge (Press article)
231. Heyman Y, Chavatte-Palmer P, Sousa NM, Constant F, Guillomot M, Vignon X, Beckers JF (2005) Pregnancy-associated glycoprotein (PAG) profiles during the peri-implantation period in recipients carrying bovine somatic clones: preliminary results. Reproduction Fertility and Development (31st Annual Conference of the International Embryo Transfer Society; Copenhagen, Denmark), 17(1-2):168. (Abstract)
232. Friedrich M, Kwer A, Beckers JF, Holtz W (2005) Suitability of bovine pregnancy-associated glycoprotein (bPAG-1) for early pregnancy diagnosis in cows. Reproducion in Domestic Animals, 40(4):407, P274. (Abstract)
233. Sidikou ID, Remy B, Hornick JL, Losson B, Duquesnoy N, Yenikoye A, Beckers JF (2005) Bovine pepsinogen and Prochymosin: Current knowledge, applications and outlines in the management of gastrointestinal worms. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 149(4):213-228 (Article)
234. Breukelman SP, Perenyi Z, Ruigh L, van Wagtendonk-de Leeuw AM, Jonker FH, Vernooij JC, Beckers JF, van der Weijden GC, Vos PL, Dieleman SJ, Taverne MAM (2005) Plasma concentrations of bovine pregnancy-associated glycoprotein (bPAG) do not differ during the first 119 days between ongoing pregnancies derived by transfer of in vivo and in vitro produced embryos. Theriogenology, 63(5):1378-1389. (Article)
235. Ropstad E, Veiberg V, Sakkinen H, Dahl E, Kindahl H, Holand O, Beckers JF, Eloranta E (2005) Endocrinology of pregnancy and early pregnancy detection by reproductive hormones in reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus). Theriogenology, 63(6):1775-1788. (Article)
236. Vandaele L, Verberckmoes S, El Amiri B, Sulon J, Duchateau L, Van Soon A, Beckers JF, de Kruift A (2005) Use of a homologous radioimmunoassay (RIA) system to evaluate the effect of maternal and foetal parameters on pregnancy-associated glycoprotein (PAG) concentration in sheep. Theriogenology, 63(7):1914-1924. (Article)
237. Majewska M, Panasiewicz G, Dabrowski M, Gizejewski Z, Beckers JF, Szafranska B (2005) Multiple forms of Pregnancy-Associated Glycoproteins released in vitro by porcine chorion or placentomal and interplacentomal explants of wild and domestic ruminants. Reproductive Biology, 5(2):185-203. (Article)
238. Klisch K, Sousa, NM, Beckers JF, Leiser R, Pich A (2005) Pregnancy-associated glycoprotein-1, -6, -7 and –17 are major products of bovine binucleate trophoblast giant cells at midpregnancy. Molecular Reproduction and Development, 71(4):453-460. (Article)
239. Breukelman SP, Szenci O, Beckers JF, Kindahl H, Mulder EJH, Jonker FH, van der Weijden GC, Revy D, Pogany K, Sulon J, Némedi I, Taverne MAM (2005) Ultrasonographic appearance of the conceptus, fetal heart rate and profiles of pregnancy-associated glycoproteins (PAG) and prostaglandin F2α-metabolite (PGF2α-metabolite) after induction of fetal death with aglepristone during early gestation in cattle. Theriogenology, 64(4):917-933. (Article)
240. Szafranska B, Panasiewicz G, Dabrowski M, Majewska M, Gizejewski Z, Beckers JF (2005) Chorionic mRNA expression and N-glycodiversity of pregnancy-associated glycoprotein family (PAG) of the European bison (Bison bonasus). Animal Reproduction Science, 88(3-4):225-243. (Article)
241. Sidikou DI, Remy B, Gerardin-Otthiers N, Joris B, Beckers JF (2005) Bovine pepsinogen A: Isolation and partial characterization of isoforms with high activity. Journal of Animal Veterinary Advances, 4(11):894-901. (Article)
242. Sidikou DI, Remy B, Beckers JF (2005) Development of a radioimmunoassay for bovine pepsinogen A. Revue d’Elevage et de Médecine Vétérinaire des Pays Tropicaux, 58(4):229-235. (Article)


243. Hanh NV, Huu QX, Uoc NT, Nguyen BX, Sulon J, Sousa NM, Beckers JF (2006) Estrus synchronization, artificial insemination and pregnancy diagnosis in water buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis). Reproduction, Fertility and Development 19(1): 198. (Abstract)
244. Ayad A, Sousa NM, Sulon J, Clerget E, Iguer-Ouada M, Beckers JF (2006) Specificity of different RIA systems for measurement of bovine pregnancy associated glycoproteins against carbohydrates and placental hormones. 10e Journée de Rencontre Bioforum, BioLiège (Association des Biotechnologistes Liégeois), Mai 17th, p. 48. (Abstract + Poster copy)
245. Bella A, Sousa NM, Beckers JF (2006) The pregnancy-associated glycoproteins expressed in epitheliochorial placenta: new investigations by Western blot technique. 10e Journée de Rencontre Bioforum, BioLiège (Association des Biotechnologistes Liégeois), Mai 17th, p. 71. (Abstract + Poster copy)
246. Alvarez-Oxiley AV, Sousa NM, Sulon J, Beckers JF (2006) Fetal profiles of bovine placental lactogen (PL) and insulin like growth factors (IGF-I and IGF–II) through the late gestation. 10e Journée de Rencontre Bioforum, BioLiège (Association des Biotechnologistes Liégeois), Mai 17th, p. 76. (Abstract + Poster copy)
247. Barbato O, Sousa NM, Klisch K, Clerget E, Debenedetti A, Barile VL, Malfatti A, Beckers JF (2006) Isolation of PAG from buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) placenta. Reproduction (SRF Congress), 3-5th July, P20. (Abstract)
248. Klisch K, De Sousa NM, Beckers JF, Schuler G, Leiser R (2006) From lectin-histochemistry to pregnancy diagnosis by lectin-ELISA: applications of lectins for the characterisation of bovine pregnancy-associated glycoprotein. XXVIth Congress of the European Association of Veterinary Anatomists, July 19–22nd, Messina, Italy, p. 53. (Abstract)
249. Klisch K, Herzog K, Feldmann M, Schuler G, Friedrich M, Holtz W, Sousa NM, Beckers JF (2006) The glycosylation of bovine pregnancy-associated glycoproteins changes before parturition. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 41(4):304. (Abstract)
250. Taverne MAM, Regeling JI., Sulon J, Beckers JF (2006) Effects of a single injection of a progesterone receptor antagonist during the third month of gestation in sheep. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 41(4):310 (Abstract)
251. Ayad A, Sousa NM, Sulon J, Iguer-Ouada M, Beckers JF (2006) The ability of five radioimmunoassay systems to detect early pregnancy-associated glycoprotein in bovine plasma. 22nd Scientific Meeting of the European Embryo Transfer Association, September 8–9th, Zug, Switzerland, p. 112. (Abstract + Poster)
252. Ayad A, Sousa NM, Sulon J, Iguer-Ouada M, Beckers JF (2006) Progesterone, luteinizing hormone, prolactin and pregnancy-associated glycoproteins during the first trimester pregnancy in cattle. 22nd Scientific Meeting of the European Embryo Transfer Association, September 8–9th, Zug, Switzerland, p. 114. (Abstract + Poster)
253. López-Gatius F, Garbayo JM, Serrano B, Santolaria P, Yániz J, Almería S, Ayad A, Sousa NM, Beckers JF (2006) Breed-cross pregnancies increased plasmatic pregnancy-associated glycoprotein (PAG) concentration in pregnant Neospora-seropositive dairy cows. 8th International Meeting of the Spanish Association for Animal Reproduction. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 41(Suppl. 2):112. (Abstract)
254. Touati K, Sousa NM, van der Weijden GC, Taverne MAM, Szenci O, Beckers JF (2006) Cannulation of bovine fetuses for a long period blood collection: the surgical approach. 24th World Buiatrics Congress, Nice, France, 15-19th Octobre, OS01-04. (Abstract)
255. Karen A, Kovacs P, Beckers JF, Sulon J, Szenci O (2006) Plasma urea nitrogen and phsphorus in relation to pregnancy rate in dairy sheep. 24th World Buiatrics Congress, Nice, France, 15-19th Octobre, PS4-077. (Abstract)
256. Sousa NM, Ayad A, Beckers JF, Gajewski Z (2006). PAG as a pregnancy marker in the ruminants, Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, Pologne, 57 (Suppl. 2), p. 111. (Abstract)
257. Othmani-Mecif K, Benazzoug Y, Jacob MP, Beckers JF (2006) Variations in plasma matrix metalloproteinases and placental pregnancy-associated glycoproteins during gestation in rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus). World Rabbit Science, 14(1):39-50 (Article)
258. Prvanović N, Beckers JF, Sulon J, Tomašković A, Cergolj M, Dobranić T, Grizelj J, Samardžija M, Vince S, Kočila P (2006) Comparison of ultrasound and pregnancy associated glycoproteins to diagnose and follow ongoing or failing pregnancy in pregnant heifers on the market. Slovenian Veterinary Research, 43(10):41-43 (Article)
259. Sidikou DI, Banga-Mboko H, Tamboura HH, Hornick JL, Remy B, Beckers JF (2006) Correlation between a proteolytic method and a radioimmunoassay for porcine serum pepsinogen concentrations. Research in Veterinary Science, 80(3):260-266. (Article)
260. Karen A, Amiri B, Beckers JF, Sulon J, Taverne MAM, Szenci O (2006) Comparison of accuracy of transabdominal ultrasonography, progesterone and pregnancy-associated glycoproteins tests for discrimination between single and multiple pregnancy in sheep. Theriogenology, 66(2):314-322. (Article)
261. Chavatte-Palmer P, de Sousa N, Laigre P, Camous S, Ponter AA, Beckers JF, Heyman Y (2006) Ultrasound fetal measurements and pregnancy associated glycoprotein secretion in early pregnancy in cattle recipients carrying somatic clones. Theriogenology, 66(4): 829-840. (Article)
262. Ledezma-Torres RA, Beckers JF, Holtz W (2006). Assessment of plasma profile of pregnancy-associated glycoprotein (PAG) in sheep with a heterologous (anti-caPAG(55+59)) RIA and its potential for diagnosing pregnancy. Theriogenology, 66(4):906-912. (Article)
263. Szenci O, Takács E, Sulon J, Sousa NM, Beckers JF (2006) Evaluation of the use of GnRH 12 days after AI on reproductive performance in dairy cows. Theriogenology, 66(8):1811-1815. (Article)
264. Haugejorden G, Waage S, Dahl E, Karlberg K, Beckers JF, Ropstad E (2006). Pregnancy associated glycoproteins (PAG) in postpartum cows, ewes, goats and their offspring. Theriogenology, 66(8):1976-1984. (Article)
265. Lobago F, Gustafsson H, Bekana M, Beckers JF, Kindahl H (2006) Clinical features and hormonal profiles of cloprostenol-induced early abortions in heifers monitored by ultrasonography. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica, 48(1):23. (Article)
266. Klisch K, Boos A, Friedrich M, Herzog K, Feldmann M, Sousa NM, Beckers JF, Leiser R, Schuler G (2006) The glycosylation of pregnancy-associated glycoproteins and prolactin related protein-I in bovine binucleate trophoblast giant cells changes before parturition. Reproduction, 132(5):791-798. (Article)
267. Sousa NM, Ayad A, Beckers JF, Gajewski Z (2006). Pregnancy-associated glycoproteins (PAG) as pregnancy markers in the ruminants. Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 57 (Suppl 8):153-171. (Review Article)
268. Ayad A, Sousa NM, Hornick JL, Touati K, Iguer-Ouada M, Beckers JF (2006) Endocrinologie de la gestation chez la vache : signaux embryonnaires, hormones et protéines placentaires. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 150(4):212-226. (Review Article)
269. Benyounes A, Lamrani F, Sousa NM, Sulon J, Folch J, Beckers JF, Guellati MA (2006) Suivi de la gestation chez la brebis Ouled Djellal par dosage de la protéine associée a la gestation et de la progestérone. Revue d’Elevage et de Médecine Vétérinaire des Pays Tropicaux, 59(1-4):65-73. (Article)


270. Ayad A, Sousa NM, Sulon J, Iguer-Ouada M, Beckers JF (2007) Pregnancy-associated glycoprotein (PAG) concentration during the postpartum perio in four non-pregnant cows. The life Science Summit, Biomedica, March 21st. (Abstract)
271. Barbato O, Merlo M, Sousa NM, Trentin E, Beckers JF, Gabai G (2007) Relationship between progesterone and pregnancy-associated glycoprotein concentrations in the maternal circulation during early pregnancy in dairy cows. 23rd Annual Meeting AETE, Alghero 7-8th. September, p. 134 (Abstract)
272. Hanh NV, Huu QX, Uoc NT, Nguyen BX., Sulon J, Sousa NM, Beckers JF (2007) Estrus synchronization, artificial insemination, and pregnancy diagnosis in water buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis). Reproduction, Fertility and Development, 19(1):198. (Abstract)
273. Sousa NM, Barbato O, Bella A, Alvarez-Oxiley AV, Sulon J, Debenedetti A, Beckers JF (2007) The Pregnancy-Associated Glycoproteins: Biochemical Aspects and Clinical Application for Pregnancy Follow-up. VII Congresso de la Societá Italiana di Fisiologia Veterinaria, 21-23 June, Silvi Marina (Teramo), Italie. (Communication)
274. Taverne MAM, van der Weijden GC, Jonker FH, Szenci O, Beckers JF (2007) Approaches to unravel the pathophysiological background of unexplained perinatal mortality in dairy cows. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 42(S2):64. (Abstract)
275. Lopez-Gatius F, Garbayo JM, Santolaria P, Yaniz J, Ayad A, Sousa NM, Beckers JF (2007) Milk production correlates negatively with plasma levels of pregnancy-associated glycoprotein (PAG) during the early fetal period in high producing dairy cows with live fetuses. Domestic Animal Endocrinology, 32(1):29-42. (Article)
276. López-Gatius F, Garbayo JM, Santolaria P, Yániz JL, Almería S, Ayad A, de Sousa NM, Beckers JF (2007) Plasma pregnancy-associated glycoprotein-1 (PAG-1) concentrations during gestation in Neospora-infected dairy cows. Theriogenology, 67(3):502-508. (Article)
277. López-Gatius F, Hunter RH, Garbayo JM, Santolaria P, Yániz J, Serrano B, Ayad A, de Sousa NM, Beckers JF (2007) Plasma concentrations of pregnancy-associated glycoprotein-1 (PAG-1) in high producing dairy cows suffering early fetal loss during the warm season. Theriogenology, 67(8):1324-1330. (Article)
278. Ayad A, Sousa NM, Sulon J, Hornick JL, Watts J, Lopez-Gatius F, Iguer-Ouada M, Beckers JF (2007) Influence of progesterone concentrations on secretory functions of trophoblast and pituitary during the first trimester of pregnancy in dairy cattle. Theriogenology, 67(9):1503-1511. (Article)
279. El Amiri B, Karen A, Sulon J, Melo de Sousa N., Alvarez-Oxiley AV, Cognié Y, Szenci O, Beckers JF (2007) Measurement of ovine pregnancy-associated glycoprotein (PAG) during early pregnancy in Lacaune sheep. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 42(3):257-262. (Article)
280. Ayad A, Sousa NM, Sulon J, Iguer-Ouada M, Beckers JF (2007) Comparison of five radioimmunoassay systems for PAG measurement: ability to detect early pregnancy in cows. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 42(4):433-440. (Article)
281. Bella A, Sousa NM, Dehimi ML, Watts J, Beckers JF (2007) Western analyses of pregnancy-associated glycoprotein family (PAG) in placental extracts of various mammals. Theriogenology, 68(7):1055-1066. (Article)
282. López-Gatius F, Almería S, Donofrio G, Nogareda C, García-Ispierto I, Bech-Sàbat G, Santolaria P, Yániz JL, Pabón M, de Sousa NM, Beckers JF (2007) Protection against abortion linked to gamma interferon production in pregnant dairy cows naturally infected with Neospora caninum. Theriogenology, 68(7):1067-1073. (Article)
283. Karen A, Darwish S, Ramoun A, Tawfeek K, Van Hanh N., de Sousa NM, Sulon J, Szenci O, Beckers JF (2007) Accuracy of ultrasonography and pregnancy-associated glycoprotein test for pregnancy diagnosis in buffaloes. Theriogenology, 68(8):1150-1155. (Article)
284. Alvarez-Oxiley AV, Sousa NM, Hornick JL, Touati K, van der Weijden GC, Taverne MA, Szenci O, Sulon J, Debliquy P, Beckers JF (2007) Radioimmunoassay of bovine placental lactogen using recombinant and native preparations: determination of fetal concentrations across gestation. Reproduction, Fertility, Development, 19(7):877-885. (Article)
285. Idrissa-Sidikou D, Remy B, Dufrasne I, Cabaraux JF, Borceux JP, Beckers JF (2007) Development of a radioimmunoassay for bovine chymosin. Tropicultura, 25(3):134-139. (Article)


286. Hanh NV, Huu QX, Uoc N, Sulon J, Sousa NM, Nguyen BX, Beckers JF (2008) Detection of placental lactogens in swamp buffalo by radioimmunoassay technique. Reproduction, Fertility and Development, 21(1): 152-153. (Abstract)
287. Gajewsky Z, Sousa NM, Konopka AA, Beckers JF, Thum R (2008) Determination of PAG in the Milk and blood in cow’s in comparison to other examination methods for pregnancy diagnosis. XXV Jubilee Word Buiatrics Congress, p. 190 (Abstract)
288. Savela H, Vahtiala S, Lindeberg H, Dahl E, Ropstad E, Beckers JF, Saarela S (2008) Comparison of transrectal ultrasound and plasma pregnancy-associated glycoproteins as pregnancy tests of reindeer. 16th International Congress on Animal Reproduction, Budapest, Hungary, 13-17th July, p. 81. (Abstract)
289. Ayad A, Sousa NM, Sulon J, Iguer-Ouada M, Beckers JF (2008) Effect of parity on pregnancy-associated glycoprotein (PAG) levels measurement by radioimmunoassay in bovine. Preliminary results. 24th Scientific Meeting of the European Embryo Transfer Association, September 12–13th. Pau, France, p. 122. (Abstract + Poster)
290. Gonzalez F, Rodriguez N, Cognie Y, Sulon J, Poulin N, Guignot F, Touze JL, Baril G, Cabrera F, Batista M, Mermillod P, Beckers JF, Gracia A (2008) Comparison of pregnancy-associated glycoprotein and oestrone sulphate concentrations in recipient goats of in vitro produced embryos cultured in synthetic oviduct fluid (fresh and vitrified) or co-cultured with goat epithelial oviduct cells (vitrified). Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 43(S4):55 (Abstract)
291. Sousa NM, Szenci O, Taverne MAM, Lopez-Gatius F, Beckers JF (2008) Pregnancy diagnosis in ruminant species. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 43(S5):104 (Abstract)
292. Szenci O, Beckers JF, Taverne MAM (2008) Recent possibilities for diagnosing early pregnancy (EP) in small ruminants and pigs. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 43(S5):104 (Abstract)
293. Ayad A, Sousa NM, Iguer-Ouada M, Beckers JF (2008) Correlation between five radioimmunoassay systems for bovine pregnancy-associated glycoprotein (PAGs). Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 43(S5):90. (Abstract)
294. Ayad A, Sousa NM, Iguer-Ouada M, Beckers JF (2008) No Effect of parity on concentrations of bovine pregnant associated glycoprotein (PAGs) measurement by radioimmunoassay. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 43(S5):90. (Abstract)
295. Arranz JM, Freret S, Fidelle F, Fatet A, Druart X, Beckers JF, Sulon J, Sousa NM, Bodin L, David I, Lagriffoul G, Beltran de Heredia I, Sasieta L, Arrese F, Maeztu Sardina F, Lana Soto MP, Lasarte M (2008) Réussite à l’insemination en élevages ovins laitiers pyrénéens : facteurs de variation lies aux conduits de troupeaux. 15e Rencontres Recherches Ruminants, 359-362. (Short communication)
296. Terroni D, Melo de Sousa N., Michiels J-A, Beckers JF (2008) Dosage des pepsinogènes bovins A et C par RIA. Poster session presented. Journee of Rennequin Sualem School, Liège, Belgium. (Poster)
297. Clerget E, de Sousa NM, Bella A, Maghuin-Rogister G, Beckers JF (2008) [Placental glycoproteins in the mammals]. Annales d’Endocrinologie (Paris), 69(1):18-29. (Review Article)
298. Bech-Sàbat G, López-Gatius F, Yániz JL, García-Ispierto I, Santolaria P, Serrano B, Sulon J, de Sousa NM, Beckers JF (2008) Factors affecting plasma progesterone in the early fetal period in high producing dairy cows. Theriogenology, 69(4):426-432. (Article)
299. Kiewisz J, Melo de Sousa N, Beckers JF, Vervaecke H, Panasiewicz G, Szafranska B (2008) Isolation of pregnancy-associated glycoproteins from placenta of the American bison (Bison bison) at first half of pregnancy. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 155:164-175. (Article)
300. Alvarez-Oxiley AV, de Sousa NM, Beckers JF (2008) Native and recombinant bovine placental lactogens. Reproductive Biology, 8(2):85-106. (Review Article)
301. Garmo RT, Refsdal AO, Karlberg K, Ropstad E, Waldmann A, Beckers JF, Reksen O (2008) Pregnancy incidence in Norwegian red cows using nonreturn to estrus, rectal palpation, pregnancy-associated glycoproteins, and progesterone. Journal of Dairy Science, 91(8):3025-3033. (Article)
302. Barbato O, Sousa NM, Klisch K, Clerget E, Debenedetti A, Barile VL, Malfatti A, Beckers JF (2008) Isolation of new pregnancy-associated glycoproteins from water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) placenta by Vicia villosa affinity chromatography. Research in Veterinary Science, 85(3):457-466. (Article)
303. Chentouf M, El Amiri B, Sulon J, Beckers JF, Kirschvink N, Boulanouar B, Bister JL (2008) Pregnancy-associated glycoprotein secretion in North Moroccan goats. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 43(6):696-700. (Article)
304. Gajewski Z, Melo de Sousa N, Beckers JF, Pawlinski B, Olszewska M, Thun R, Kleczkowski M (2008) Concentration of bovine pregnancy associated glycoprotein in plasma and milk: its application for pregnancy diagnosis in cows. Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, December, 59 Suppl 9:55-64. (Article)
305. Sousa NM, Beckers JF, Gajewski Z (2008) Current trends in follow-up of trophoblastic function in ruminant species. Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 59 Suppl 9:65-74. (Review Article)


306. Hanh NV, Huu QX, Uoc NT, Sulon J, Sousa NM, Nguyen BX, Beckers JF (2009) Detection of placental lactogens in swamp buffalo by radioimmunoassay technique. Reproduction Fertility and Development, 21(1):152-153. (Abstract)
307. Szenci O, Bajcsy ACs, Brydl E, Madl I, Tibold J, Melo de Sousa N, Bella A, Beckers JF, Keresztes M, Faigl V, Kulcsar M, Huszenicza G (2009) Monitoring certain endocrine parameters for predicting stillbirth in dairy cows. XVII International Congress of Mediterranean Federation of Health and Production of Ruminants, Perugia, Italy, May 27-30, p. 92-93. (Abstract)
308. Dethier M, Melo de Sousa N, Balci S, Beckers JF (2009) Purification de protéines associées à la gestation (PAG) chez le porc. Poster session presented. Journee of Rennequin Sualem School, Liège, Belgium. (Poster)
309. Zamfirescu S, Topoleanu I, Beckers JF (2009) Preliminary results obtained by RIA determination of the proteins associated to pregnancy (PAG) in goat and sheep. Comptes Rendus de l’Académie Bulgare des Sciences, 62(9):1111-1118. (Article)
310. Beckers JF (2009) Dosage des pepsinogènes A et C dans le sang pour diagnostiquer les verminoses gastro-intestinales chez le bovin. Les Nouvelles du Printemps, Publié par la Direction Générale de l’Agriculture, des Ressources naturelles et de l’Environnement, 2e trimestre, 32-33. (Article)
311. García-Ispierto I, López-Gatius F, Almería S, Yániz J, Santolaria P, Serrano B, Bech-Sàbat G, Nogareda C, Sulon J, de Sousa NM, Beckers JF (2009) Factors affecting plasma prolactin concentrations throughout gestation in high producing dairy cows. Domestic Animal Endocrinology,36(2):57-66. (Article)
312. Folch J, Cocero MJ, Chesné P, Alabart JL, Domínguez V, Cognié Y, Roche A, Fernández-Arias A, Martí JI, Sánchez P, Echegoyen E, Beckers JF, Bonastre AS, Vignon X (2009) First birth of an animal from an extinct subspecies (Capra pyrenaica pyrenaica) by cloning. Theriogenology, 71(6):1026-1034. (Article)
313. El-Battawy KA, Sousa NM, Szenci O, Beckers JF (2009) Pregnancy-associated glycoprotein profile during the first trimester of pregnancy in Egyptian buffalo cows. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 44(2):161-166. (Article)
314. Kiewisz J, Melo de Sousa N, Beckers JF, Panasiewicz G, Gizejewski Z, Szafranska B (2009) Identification of multiple pregnancy-associated glycoproteins (PAGs) purified from the European bison (Eb; Bison bonasus L.) placentas. Animal Reproduction Science, 112(3-4):229-250. (Article)
315. Ayad A, Sousa NM, Sulon J, Hornick JL, Iguer-Ouada M, Beckers JF (2009) Correlation of five radioimmunoassay systems for measurement of bovine plasma pregnancy-associated glycoprotein concentrations at early pregnancy period. Research in Veterinary Science, 86(3):377-382. (Article)
316. Serrano B, López-Gatius F, Hunter RH, Santolaria P, García-Ispierto I, Bech-Sabat G, de Sousa NM, Beckers JF, Yániz JL (2009) Anomalous pregnancies during late embryonic/early foetal period in high producing dairy cows. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 44(4):672-676. (Article)
317. Serrano B, López-Gatius F, Santolaria P, Almería S, García-Ispierto I, Bech-Sabat G, Sulon J, de Sousa NM, Beckers JF, Yániz JL (2009) Factors affecting plasma pregnancy-associated glycoprotein 1 concentrations throughout gestation in high-producing dairy cows. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 44(4):600-605. (Article)
318. Lobago F, Bekana M, Gustafsson H, Beckers JF, Yohannes G, Aster Y, Kindahl H (2009) Serum profiles of pregnancy-associated glycoprotein, oestrone sulphate and progesterone during gestation and some factors influencing the profiles in Ethiopian Borana and crossbred cattle. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 44(4):685-692. (Article)
319. Barbato O, Sousa NM, Debenedetti A, Canali C, Todini L, Beckers JF (2009) Validation of a new pregnancy-associated glycoprotein radioimmunoassay method for the detection of early pregnancy in ewes. Theriogenology, 72(7):993-1000. (Article)
320. Savela H, Vahtiala S, Lindeberg H, Dahl E, Ropstad E, Beckers JF, Saarela S (2009) Comparison of accuracy of ultrasonography, progesterone, and pregnancy-associated glycoprotein tests for pregnancy diagnosis in semidomesticated reindeer. Theriogenology, 72(9):1229-1236. (Article)
321. Gajewski Z, Pertajitis M, Sousa N, Beckers J, Pawliński B, Janett F (2009) Pregnancy- associated glycoproteins as a new diagnostic tool in cattle reproduction. Schweiz Arch Tierheilkd, 151(12):577-582. (Review article)
322. López-Gatius F, Almería S, Yániz JL, Santolaria P, Nogareda C, Mezo M, Gonzalez-Warleta M, Castro-Hermida JA, Sousa NM, Beckers JF (2009) Gamma interferon production correlates negatively with plasma levels of pregnancy-associated glycoprotein-1 (PAG-1) during gestation in dairy cows naturally infected with Neospora caninum. In: O’Leary M., Arnett J (Eds), Pregnancy Protein Research, Nova Science Publishers, Washington DC, pp. 111-122. (Book chapter)
323. Barbato O, Sousa NM, Malfati A, Debenedetti A, Todini L, Barile VL, Beckers JF (2009) Concentrations of pregnancy-associated glycoproteins in Water buffaloes females (Bubalus bubalis) during pregnancy and postpartum periods. In: O’Leary M., Arnett J (Eds), Pregnancy Protein Research, Nova Science Publishers, Washington DC, pp. 123-134. (Book chapter)


324. El Amiri B, El Abbadi N, Benjelloun B, Melo de Sousa N, Beckers JF (2010) Could Western blot analysis be an alternative to radio-immunoassay for sheep pregnancy associated glycoproteins measurements? Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 45(Suppl 3):65 (Abstract)
325. Szenci O, Bajcsy ÁC, Brydl E, Tegzes L, Mádl I, Tibold J, Melo de Sousa N, Bella A, Beckers JF, Keresztes M, Gaigl V, Kulcsár M, Huszenicza G (2010) Prediction of stillbirth by monitoring endocrine and metabolic parameters in dairy cattle. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 45(Suppl 3):109 (Abstract)
326. Gajewski Z, Petrajtis M, Melo de Sousa N, Kleczkowski M, Beckers JF, Pawlinski B, Domanska D, Jakubowski T (2010). Comparison of accuracy of sonography, rectal palpation and pregnancy-associated glycoproteins tests for pregnancy diagnosis in cows. XI Middle European Buiatrics Congress, 17-19 June, Brno, Czeck Republic, p. 23-25. (Communication)
327. Szenci O, Bajcsy AC, Brydl E, Madl I, Tibold J, Melo de Sousa N, Bella A, Beckers JF, Keresztes M, Faigl V, Kulcsar M, Huszenicza G (2010) Monitoring endocrine profiles for prediction of stillbirth in Holstein-Friesian dairy cattle. 8th International Ruminant Reproduction Congress, 3-7 September, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, p. 156. (Abstract)
328. Karen A, Bajcsy ÁCs, Kovács R, Beckers JF, Chahiba N, Schoofs L, Melo de Sousa N, Tibold J, Takács L, Mádl I, Szenci O (2010) Late embryonic and early fetal mortalities in dairy cows: the incidence and pregnancy protein profiles. 20th International Congress of Hungarian Association for Buiatrics, 20-23 October, Eger, Hungary. p. 54-55 (Abstract)
329. Alabart JL, Lahoz B, Folch J, Marti JI, Sanchez P, Delahaut P, Colemonts Y, Beckers JF, Melo de Sousa N (2010) Diagnostico precoz de gestation en Ganado ovino mediante un kit enzimoinmunoanalisis (EIA) de la glicoproteina asociada a la gestation (PAG) plasmatica. XXXV Congreso de la Sociedad Espanola de Ovinotechnia y Caprinotecnia (SEOC), 22-24 September, Valladolid, Spain, pp.199-202. (Communication)
330. Zamfirescu S, Anghel A, Beckers JF (2010) Research regarding the dynamics of proteins associated to gestation and plasmatic progesterone in goats of local breeds in precocious and early pregnancy. Lucrări Ştiinţifice – Universitatea de Ştiinţe Agricole şi Medicină Veterinară, Seria Zootehnie; 53:56-62. (Article)
331. Zamfirescu, S, Nadolu D, Beckers, JF (2010) Preliminary results obtained by ria determination of the proteins associated to pregnancy (PAG) in goat and sheep. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology (RSCB), 15(1):98-104. (Article)
332. Alvarez-Oxiley AV, de Sousa NM, Hornick JL, Touati K, van der Weijden GC, Taverne MA, Szenci O, Beckers JF (2010) Effect of exogenous circulating anti-bPL antibodies on bovine placental lactogen measurements in foetal samples. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica, 52:9 (Open acces).
333. García-Ispierto I, Nogareda C, Yániz JL, Almería S, Martínez-Bello D, de Sousa NM, Beckers JF, López-Gatius F (2010) Neospora caninum and Coxiella burnetii seropositivity are related to endocrine pattern changes during gestation in lactating dairy cows. Theriogenology, 74(2):212-220. (Article)
334. Charallah S, Amirat Z, Sulon J, Khammar F, Beckers JF (2010) Pregnancy-associated glycoprotein and progesterone concentrations during pregnancy failure in Bedouin goat from the southwest of Algeria. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 45(6):e231-8. (Article)


335. Sousa NM, Michiels JA, Terroni D, Bella A, Czaplicki G, Beckers JF (2011) Concentrations of pepsinogens A and C in peripheral blood of cattle at different developmental stages. 6th European Congress of Bovine Health and Management (ECBHM). ECBHM), 7-9th September, Liège, Belgium, p. 63. (Oral communication)
336. Bella A, Sousa NM, Lopez-Gatius F, Garcia-Ispierto I, Schoofs L, Chahiba N, Beckers JF (2011) Developpement of a new radioimmunoassay by using antiserum against pregnancy-associated glycoprotein II: concentrations in Holstein dairy cattle. 6th European Congress of Bovine Health and Management (ECBHM), 7-9th September, Liège, Belgium, p. 63. (Oral communication)
337. Szenci O, Bajcsy AC, Nagy K, Madl I, Tibold J, Melo de Sousa N, Beckers JF, Kulcsar M, Huszenicza G (2011) Prediction of stillbirth in Holstein-Friesian dairy cows by monitoring endocrine profiles in the peripartum period. 6th European Congress of Bovine Health and Management (ECBHM), 7-9th September, Liège, Belgium, p. 75. (Oral communication)
338. Beckers JF, Sousa NM, Colemonts Y, Huet AC, Bertrand H, Bella A, Barbato O, Delahaut Ph (2011) Pregnancy diagnosis in cattle by using a new ELISA for pregnancy-associated glycoprotein: preliminary results. 6th European Congress of Bovine Health and Management (ECBHM), 7-9th September, Liège, Belgium, p. 96. (Abstract + Poster copy)
339. Beckers JF, Sousa NM (2011) Pregnancy-associated glycoprotein levels in cattle exhibiting prolonged pregnancy: case reports. 6th European Congress of Bovine Health and Management (ECBHM), 7-9th September, Liège, Belgium, p. 95. (Abstract + Poster copy)
340. Delahaut Ph, Sousa NM, Huet AC, Colemonts Y, Bertrand H, Barbato O, Beckers JF (2011) Development of new ELISA for measurement of pregnancy-associated glycoprotein. 6th European Congress of Bovine Health and Management (ECBHM), 7-9th September, Liège, Belgium, p. 95. (Abstract + Poster copy)
341. Beckers JF, Bella A, Sousa NM (2011) Placental and gastric aspartic proteinases: new insights from bovine species. Pregnancy, Parturition, Postpartum Meeting (PPP), Mariensee (Allemagne), 24 September. (Oral communication)
342. Szelenyi Z, Bajcsy ACs, Nagy K, Repasi A, Madl I, Tibold J, Kulcsar M, Huszenicza Gy, Melo de Sousa N, Beckers JF, Szenci O (2011) Prediction of twin pregnancies by measuring certain endocrine parameters in dairy cows in the peripartal period pp. 10-11. 12th Middle European Buiatrics Congress. Pula, Horvatorszag. (Abstract)
343. Szenci O, Bajcsy ÁCs, Nagy K, Bryd E, Mádl I, Tibold J, Melo de Sousa N, Beckers JF, Kulcsár M, Huszenicza G (2011) Monitoring endocrine profiles for prediction of stillbirth in Holstein-Friesian dairy heifers. 12th Middle European Buiatrics Congress. Pula, Horvatorszag (Abstract)
344. Zamfirescu S, Anghel A, Nadolu D, Beckers JF (2011) Plasmatic profiles of pregnancy-associated glycoprotein and progesterone levels during early pregnancy in carpathian goat. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology (RSCB), 2011, 16(2):50-53. (Article)
345. Barbato O, Sousa NM, Canali C, Beckers JF (2011) The pregnancy-associated glycoproteins. Clinical applications for pregnancy follow-up in ruminant species. Revista Romana de Medicina Veterinara, 21(2):117-126. (Review article)
346. Karen AM, Darwish S, Ramoun A, Tawfeek K, Nguyen VH, de Sousa NM, Sulon J, Szenci O, Beckers JF (2011) Accuracy of transrectal palpation for early pregnancy diagnosis in Egyptian buffaloes. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 43(1):5-7. (Article)
347. Karen AM, Kovács P, Beckers JF, de Sousa NM, Szenci O (2011) Plasma urea nitrogen in relation to pregnancy rate in dairy sheep. Animal Reproduction Science, 124(1-2):69-72. (Article)
348. Andreu-Vázquez C, Garcia-Ispierto I, López-Béjar M, de Sousa NM, Beckers JF, López-Gatius F (2011) Clinical implications of induced twin reduction in dairy cattle. Theriogenology, 76(3):512-521. (Article)
349. Constant F, Camous S, Chavatte-Palmer P, Heyman Y, de Sousa N, Richard C, Beckers JF, Guillomot M (2011) Altered secretion of Pregnancy Associated Glycoproteins during gestation in bovine somatic clones. Theriogenology, 76(6):1006-1021. (Article)
350. Szenci O, Karen A, Bajcsy AC, Gaspardy A, de Sousa NM, Beckers JF (2011) Effect of restraint stress on plasma concentrations of cortisol, progesterone and pregnancy associated-glycoprotein-1 in pregnant heifers during late embryonic development. Theriogenology, 76(8):1380-1385. (Article)


351. Bella A, Beckers JF, Sousa NM (2012) Placental and gastric aspartic proteinases: new insights from bovine species. Proceedings of the 2nd Scientific Meeting of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Liege, Belgium, 19th October, p. 31. (Abstract + Poster copy)
352. Fondja EN, Okuyama M, Petrova A, Beckers JF, Sousa NM (2012) Investigations sur les protéines placentaires extraites des cotylédons foetaux du Cervus elaphus. Haute Ecole Rennequin Sualem. (Poster copy)
353. Petrova A, Okuyama M, Fondja EN, Beckers JF, Sousa NM (2012) Fractionnement et immunoreactivité de type PAG (Pregnancy-Associated Glycoprotein) des prottéines extraites des caroncules matternelles chez les cervidés (Cervus elaphus). Haute Ecole Rennequin Sualem. (Poster copy)
354. Abdelfatah-Hassan A, Almeria S, Serrano B, Sousa NM, Beckers JF, Lopez-Gatius F (2012) The inseminating bull and plasma pregnancy-associated glycoprotein levels were related to peripheral leukocyte counts during the late pregnancy/early postpartum period in high-producing dairy cows. Theriogenology, 77(7):1390-1397. (Article)
355. Bella A, Sousa NM, Dehimi ML, Beckers JF (2012) Pregnancy-associated glycoprotein, chymosin and pepsinogen immunoreactivity of proteins extracted from fetal gastric tissue in bovine species. Research in Veterinary Science, 92(3):378-386. (Article)
356. Breukelman SP, Perényi Z, Taverne MAM, Jonker H, van der Weijden GC, Vos PLA, de Ruigh L, Dieleman SJ, Beckers JF, Szenci O (2012) Characterisation of pregnancy losses by measuring plasma profiles of progesterone and bovine pregnancy-associated glycoprotein-1 after embryo transfer. Veterinary Journal, 194(1):71-76. (Article)
357. Nguyen VH, Barbato O, Bui XN, Beckers JF, Sousa NM (2012) Assessment of pregnancy-associated glycoprotein (PAG) concentrations in swamp buffalo samples from fetal and maternal origins by using interspecies antisera. Animal Science Journal, 83(10):683-689. (Article)


358. Van Hanh N, Viet Linh N, Sousa NM, Beckers JF, Bui XN (2013) Profiles of pregnancy-associated glycoprotein (PAG) concentrations during gestation in swamp buffalo. 10th World Buffalo Congress and 7th Asian Buffalo Congress, 6-8th, Phuket, Thailand, p. 33. (Oral communication)
359. Okuyama MW, Sousa NM, Beckers JF (2013) Characteristics of Pregnancy-Associated glycoprotein (PAG) like proteins in red deer. Biomedica, 19th June, Eurogress Aachen, Germany. (Abstract+Poster copy), p-16.
360. Sousa NM, Tchimbou AF, Beckers JF (2013) Assay of Pregnancy-Associated Glycoproteins in milk: Integration of the assay in periodic milk control to follow pregnancy in dairy cows. Pregnancy, Parturition, Postpartum Meeting (PPP), Liège (Belgique), September 7th. (Oral communication)
361. El Amiri B, Sousa NM, Szenci O, Beckers JF (2013) Pregnancy-associated glycoproteins in sheep: breeds, techniques and achievements: Review article. 23rd International Congress of the Hungarian Association for Buiatrics, Siófok, October 16-19th, p. 97-104 (Oral communication)
362. El Amiri B, Sousa NM, Szenci O, Beckers JF (2013) Pregnancy-Associated Glycoproteins (PAGs) in prolific (Boujaad x D’man) and non- prolific (Boujaad) Moroccan sheep by means of four radio-immunoassays. 23rd International Congress of the Hungarian Association for Buiatrics, Siófok, October 16-19th, p. 177-181 (Oral communication)
363. Beriot M, Tchimbou AF, Barbato O, Beckers JF, Melo de Sousa N (2013) Identification of pregnancy-associated glycoproteins and alphafetoprotein in fallow deer (Dama dama) placenta. Proceedings of the 3rd Scientific Meeting of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Liege, Belgium, 11th October, p. 34. (Abstract + Poster copy)
364. Van Hanh N, Sousa NM, Beckers JF, Bui XN (2013) The prenatal development in swamp buffalo. Iranian Journal of Veterinary Research, 14(4): 313-319. (Article)
365. Nguyen VH, Linh NV, Sousa NM, Beckers JF, Bui XN (2013) Profiles of Pregnancy-Associated Glycoprotein (PAG) concentrations during gestation in Swamp Buffalo. Buffalo Bulletin, 32(Special Issue 2):448-451. (Article)
366. Barbato O, Merlo M, Celi P, Sousa NM, Guarneri L, Beckers JF, Gabai G (2013) Relationship between plasma progesterone and pregnancy-associated glycoprotein concentrations during early pregnancy in dairy cows. Veterinary Journal, 195(3):385-387. (Short communication)
367. Barbato O, Melo de Sousa N, Barile VL, Canali L, Beckers JF (2013) Purification of pregnancy-associated glycoproteins from late-pregnancy Bubalus bubalis placentas and development of radioimmunoassay for pregnancy diagnosis in water buffalo females. BMC Veterinary Research, 9:89. (Article)
368. Shahin M, Friedrich M, Gauly M, Beckers JF, Holtz W (2013) Pregnancy-associated glycoprotein (PAG) pattern and pregnancy detection in Boer goats using an ELISA with different antisera. Small Ruminant Research, 113(1): 141-144. (Article)
369. García-Ispierto I, Almería S, Serrano B, de Sousa NM, Beckers JF, López-Gatius F (2013) Plasma concentrations of pregnancy-associated glycoproteins measured using anti-bovine PAG-2 antibodies on day 120 of gestation predict abortion in dairy cows naturally infected with Neospora caninum. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 48(4):613-618 (Article)


370. Gajewski Z, Petrajtis-Golobów M, Wehrend A, Melo de Sousa N, Beckers JF (2014) Comparison of accuracy of pregnancy-associated glycoprotein’s (PAG’s) concentration in blood and milk as methods for early pregnancy diagnosis in cows. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 47. Jahrestagung Physiologie und Pathologie der Fortpflanzung, p. 18. (Abstract)
371. Melo de Sousa N, Beckers JF, Piccart K (2014) PAG-Test, drachtcontrole via het bloed. Management & Techniek, 10 January, v. 1, p. 46-47. (Press Article)
372. El Amiri B, Moussafir Z, Allai L, Druart X, Scenci O, de Sousa N, Beckers JF (2014) Sheep seminal plasma contains some pregnancy associated glycoprotein forms. European Regional Conference on Goats, April 7th–13th, Debrecen, Hungary, WS1. (Abstract + Poster)
373. Piccart K, Piepers S, Verbeke J, Melo de Sousa N, Beckers JF, De Vliegher S (2014) Milk prolactin response after induced intramammary infection with coagulase-negative staphylococci in dairy heifers. National Mastitis Council, Regional Meeting, August 4-6, Ghent, Belgium. (Abstract + Poster)
374. Tondeur D, Beckers JF, Sousa NM (2014) Purification de la PAG-1 (Pregnancy-Associated Glycoprotein) bovine : fractionnement de protéines extraites des cotylédons placentaires. Haute Ecole Rennequin Sualem. (Poster copy)
375. Claessens M, Beckers JF, Sousa NM (2014) Purification de la PAG (Pregnancy-Associated Glycoprotein) bovine de type I à partir de cotylédons foetaux. Haute Ecole de la Province de Liège Barbou. (Poster copy)
376. El Amiri B, Delahaut P, Colemonts Y, Melo de Sousa N, Beckers JF (2014) Investigation of pregnancy-associated glycoproteins (PAGs) by means of an enzymoimmunoassay (ELISA) sandwich kit for pregnancy monitoring in sheep. In: Technologie creation and transfer Technologie creation and transfer in small ruminants: roles of research, development services and farmer associations. FAO-CIHEAM Series A: Mediterranean Seminars, Number 8, p. 299-303. (Article)
377. Beriot M, Tchimbou AF, Barbato O, Beckers JF, Sousa NM (2014) Identification of pregnancy-associated glycoproteins and alphafetoprotein in fallow deer (Dama dama) placenta. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica, 56(1):4 (Article).
378. Serrano-Pérez B, Garcia-Ispierto I, de Sousa N, Beckers JF, Almería S, López-Gatius F (2014) Gamma interferon production and plasma concentrations of pregnancy-associated glycoproteins 1 and 2 in gestating dairy cows naturally infected with Neospora caninum. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 49(2):275-280 (Article).
379. Karen A, Bajcsy ÁCs, Minoia R, Kovács R, Melo de Sousa N, Beckers JF, Tibold J, Mádl I, Szenci O (2014) Relationship of progesterone, bovine pregnancy-associated glycoprotein-1 and nitric oxide to late embryonic and early fetal mortalities in dairy cows. Journal of Reproduction and Development, 60(2):162-167 (Article).
380. Gajewski Z, Petrajtis-Gołobów M, Melo de Sousa N, Beckers JF, Pawliński B, Wehrend A (2014) Comparison of accuracy of pregnancy-associated glycoprotein (PAG) concentration in blood and milk for early pregnancy diagnosis in cows. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 156(12):585-590. (Article)


381. Sousa NM, Tchimbou AF, Beckers JF (2015) Development of a new immunoradiometric assay for Pregnancy-Associated Glycoproteins (IRMA-PAG) allowing pregnancy follow-up in cattle by using milk samples. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 19(2), p. 120. (Conference + Poster)
382. Sousa NM, Tchimbou AF, Beckers JF (2015) Validation of a new immunoradiometric assay (IRMA) allowing quantification of Pregnancy-Associated Glycoproteins concentrations in bovine milk. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 19(2), p. 120. (Abstract + Poster)
383. Barbato O, Chiaradia E, Barile VL, Pierri F, Melo de Sousa N, Canali C, Terracina L, Avelini L (2015) Homocysteine involvement in pregnancy establishment in buffalo cows (Bubalus bubalis). Asian Buffalo Congress, Turkey April 21-25th, p. 153 (Abstract+Poster)
384. Barbato O, Melo de Sousa N, Canali C, Menchetti L, Brecchia G, Barile VL (2015) Pregnancy-associated glycoproteins (PAGs): clinical application for pregnancy follow-up in buffalo cow. Asian Buffalo Congress, Turkey April 21-25th, p. 154 (Abstract+Poster)
385. Petrajtis-Gołobów M, Gajewski Z, Pawliński B, Wehrend A, Melo de Sousa N, Beckers JF (2015) Pregnancy-associated glycoprotein concentration in cow’s urine as a new method for pregnancy diagnosis. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 50(Suppl. 1):42-43. (Abstract)
386. Beckers JF, Tchimbou A, Barbato 0, Sousa NM (2015) Immunoradiometric assay (IRMA) of Pregnancy-Associated Glycoproteins (PAG) in bovine milk: determination of profiles in ongoing and failed pregnancies. 31″ Annual Meeting AETE, Ghent, Belgium, 11-12 September, p. 78. (Abstract)
387. El Amiri B, El Abbadi N, Melo de Sousa N, Beckers JF (2015) Detection of Pregnancy.Associated Glycoproteins (PAGs) in prolific and non prolific ewes from early to late gestation and postpartum. 31″ Annual Meeting AETE, Ghent, Belgium, 11-12 September, p. 106. (Abstract)
388. Engelke J, Knaack H, Linden M, Feldmann M, Gundling N, Gundelach Y, Egli C, Greiner M, de Sousa NM, Hoedemaker M, Piechotta M (2015) Identification of embryonic/fetal mortality in cows by semiquantitative detection of pregnancy-associated glycoproteins. Livestock Science, 178:363-370. (Article)
389. Nana FCN, Tume C, Daouda, Dandji MBS, Zoli AP, Beckers JF (2015) Enzyme link immuno assay for early detection of pregnancy associated glycoprotein’s in African dwarf goat. International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, 12(2):505-511. (Article)
390. Nana FCN, Tume C, Daouda, Dandji MBS, Zoli AP, Beckers JF (2015) Diagnostic précoce de la gestation chez la chèvre naine de Guinée. Livestock Research for Rural Development, 27(5):1-7. (Article)
391. García-Ispierto I, Serrano-Pérez B, Almería S, Martínez-Bello D, Tchimbou AF, de Sousa NM, Beckers JF, López-Gatius F (2015) Effects of crossbreeding on endocrine patterns determined in pregnant beef/dairy cows naturally infected with Neospora caninum. Theriogenology, 83(4):491-496. (Article)
392. El Amiri B, Melo de Sousa N, Alvarez Oxiley A, Hadarbach D, Beckers JF (2015) Pregnancy-Associated Glycoprotein concentration in plasma and milk samples for early pregnancy diagnosis in Lacaune dairy sheep. Research in Veterinary Sciences, 99:30-36. (Article)
393. Szelényi Z, Répási A, Melo de Sousa N, Beckers JF, Szenci O (2015) Accuracy of diagnosing double corpora lutea and twin pregnancy by measuring serum progesterone and bovine pregnancy-associated glycoprotein 1 in the first trimester of gestation in dairy cows. Theriogenology, 84(1): 76-81. (Article)
394. Piccart K, Piepers S, Verbeke J, de Sousa NM, Beckers JF, De Vliegher S (2015) Milk prolactin response and quarter milk yield after experimental infection with coagulase-negative Staphylococci in dairy heifers. Journal of Dairy Science, 98:4593–4600. (Article)
395. Karen A, De Sousa NM, Beckers JF, Bajcsy AC, Tibolde J, Madle I, Szenci O (2015) Comparison of a commercial bovine pregnancy-associatedglycoprotein ELISA test and a pregnancy-associatedglycoprotein radiomimmunoassay test for early pregnancydiagnosis in dairy cattle. Animal Reproduction Science, 159:31–37. (Article)


396. Petrajtis-Gołobów M, Beckers JF, Domino M, Pawlinski B, Faundez R, Melo De Sousa N, Gajewski Z (2016) Urine pregnancy-associated glycoproteins (PAG) in embryonic loss diagnosis in dairy cattle. Reproduction in Domestic Animals (Proceedings of the 20th Annual Conference of the European Society for Domestic Animal Reproduction), 51(Suppl 2):56, OC 2.1. (Oral Communication)
397. Petrajtis-Gołobów M, Domino M, Pawliński B, Faundez R, Melo de Sousa N, Beckers JF, Gajewski Z (2016) Diagnostic value of pregnancy-associated glycoproteins (PAG) measurement in blood and urine in late embryonic mortality diagnosis in dairy cattle. Reproduction in Domestic Animals (Proceedings of the 20th Annual Conference of the European Society for Domestic Animal Reproduction), 51(Suppl 2):131, P201. (Abstract)
398. Mur-Novales R, Serrano-Pérez B, García-Ispierto I, de Sousa NM, Beckers JF, Almería S, López-Gatius F (2016) Experimental Neospora caninum infection modifies trophoblast cell populations and plasma pregnancy-associated glycoprotein 1 and 2 dynamics in pregnant dairy heifers. Veterinary Parasitology, 216:7-12. (Article)
399. Mur-Novales R, López-Gatius F, Serrano-Pérez B, García-Ispierto I, Darwich L, Cabezón O, de Sousa NM, Beckers JF, Almería S (2016) Experimental Neospora caninum infection in pregnant dairy heifers raises concentrations of pregnancy-associated glycoproteins 1 and 2 in foetal fluids. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 51(2):282-286. (Article)
400. Serrano-Pérez B, Hansen PJ, Mur-Novales R, García-Ispierto I, de Sousa NM, Beckers JF, Almería S, López-Gatius F (2016) Crosstalk between uterine serpin (SERPINA14) and pregnancy-associated glycoproteins at the fetal-maternal interface in pregnant dairy heifers experimentally infected with Neospora caninum. Theriogenology, 86(3):824-830. (Article)


401. Barbato O, Guelfi G, Barile VL, Menchetti L, Tortiello C, Canali C, Brecchia G, Traina G, Beckers JF, Melo de Sousa N (2017). Using real-time PCR to identify pregnancy-associated glycoprotein 2 (PAG-2) in water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) blood in early pregnancy. Theriogenology, 89:106-113. (Article)
402. Barbato O, Menchetti L, Sousa NM, Malfatti A, Brecchia G, Canali C, Beckers JF, Barile VL (2017) Pregnancy-associated glycoproteins (PAGs) concentrations in water buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) during gestation and the postpartum period. Theriogenology, 97:73-77. (Article)


403. Barbato O, Menchetti L, Sousa NM, Brecchia G, Malfatti A, Canali C, Beckers JF, Barile VL (2018) Correlation of two radioimmunoassay systems for measuring plasma pregnancy-associated glycoproteins concentrations during early pregnancy and postpartum periods in water buffalo. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 53(6):1483-1490. (Article)


404. Van Hanh N, Nghia SH, Melo De Sousa N, Barbato O, Beckers JF (2019) Validation of buffalo PAG antisera for early pregnancy diagnosis in bovine. Indian Journal of Animal Research, 1135:1-5. (Article)
405. Barbato O, Guelfi G, Menchetti L, Brecchia G, de Sousa NM, Canali C, Grandoni F, Scatà MC, De Matteis G, Casano AB, Beckers JF, Barile VL (2019) Investigation of PAG2 mRNA expression in water buffalo peripheral blood mononuclear cells and polymorphonuclear leukocytes from maternal blood at the peri-implantation period. Veterinary Science, 6(1):8. (Article)
406. Singh SP, Ramachandran N, Sharma N, Goel AK, de Sousa NM, Beckers JF, Swain DK, Singh MK, Kharche SD (2019) Relationship of foetal number and parity in Barbari goats to plasma profile of caprine pregnancy-associated glycoprotein (caPAG) during gestation and the early postpartum period. Animal Reproduction Science, 210:106190. (Article)


407. De Carolis M, Barbato O, Acuti G, Trabalza-Marinucci M, Melo de Sousa N, Canali C, Moscati L (2020) Plasmatic profile of pregnancy-associated glycoprotein (PAG) during gestation and postpartum in Sarda and Lacaune sheep determined with two radioimmunoassay systems. Animals, 10(9):1502. (Article)
408. Szenci O, Touati K, De Sousa NM, Hornick JL, Van der Weyden GC, Taverne MAM, Beckers JF (2020) Development of a surgical technique for long-term catheterisation of bovine fetuses. Acta Veterinary Hungarica, 68(2):212-220. (Article)


409. Barile VL, Menchetti L, Casano AB, Brecchia G, Melo de Sousa N, Zelli R, Canali C, Beckers JF, Barbato O (2021) Approaches to identify pregnancy failure in buffalo cows. Animals, February 2021, 11:487. (Article)


410. Wooding FBP, Forhead AJ, Wilsher S, Allen WR, Roberts RM, Green JA, Beckers JF, Sousa NM, Charpigny G (2022) Asymmetric expression of proteins in the granules of the placentomal Binucleate cells in Giraffa camelopardalis†. Biology of Reproduction, 106(4):814-822. (Article)

26. Zoli AP, Beckers JF, Ectors F (1990) Isolation in an ovine pregnancy specific protein. Theriogenology, 33(1):366. (Abstract)
27. Zoli AP, Beckers JF, Ectors F (1990) Evidence of a protein immunologically related to pregnancy specific proteins in ruminant gonads. 3rd International Ruminant Reproduction Symposium, Nice France, March 25-28th. (Abstract)
28. Zoli AP, Ectors F, Beckers JF (1990) Ruminants gonads as accessory sources of pregnancy specific protein ? 72nd Animal Meeting of the Endocrine Society, Atlanta GA, June 20-23rd. (Abstract)
29. Guilbault LA, Roy GL, Beckers JF, Dufour JJ (1990) Influence of breed of fetus on periparturient endocrine responses and subsequent milk production of Ayrshire dams. Journal of Dairy Science, 73(10):2766-2773. (Article)

26. Zoli AP, Beckers JF, Ectors F (1990) Isolation in an ovine pregnancy specific protein. Theriogenology, 33(1):366. (Abstract)
27. Zoli AP, Beckers JF, Ectors F (1990) Evidence of a protein immunologically related to pregnancy specific proteins in ruminant gonads. 3rd International Ruminant Reproduction Symposium, Nice France, March 25-28th. (Abstract)
28. Zoli AP, Ectors F, Beckers JF (1990) Ruminants gonads as accessory sources of pregnancy specific protein ? 72nd Animal Meeting of the Endocrine Society, Atlanta GA, June 20-23rd. (Abstract)
29. Guilbault LA, Roy GL, Beckers JF, Dufour JJ (1990) Influence of breed of fetus on periparturient endocrine responses and subsequent milk production of Ayrshire dams. Journal of Dairy Science, 73(10):2766-2773. (Article)

26. Zoli AP, Beckers JF, Ectors F (1990) Isolation in an ovine pregnancy specific protein. Theriogenology, 33(1):366. (Abstract)
27. Zoli AP, Beckers JF, Ectors F (1990) Evidence of a protein immunologically related to pregnancy specific proteins in ruminant gonads. 3rd International Ruminant Reproduction Symposium, Nice France, March 25-28th. (Abstract)
28. Zoli AP, Ectors F, Beckers JF (1990) Ruminants gonads as accessory sources of pregnancy specific protein ? 72nd Animal Meeting of the Endocrine Society, Atlanta GA, June 20-23rd. (Abstract)
29. Guilbault LA, Roy GL, Beckers JF, Dufour JJ (1990) Influence of breed of fetus on periparturient endocrine responses and subsequent milk production of Ayrshire dams. Journal of Dairy Science, 73(10):2766-2773. (Article)