About us
Bioproduct Consult is a company specialized in the distribution of specific reagents such as:
- polyclonal antisera raised against bovine, ovine, caprine and buffalo pregnancy-associated glycoproteins (PAG),
- polyclonal antisera raised against gastric aspartic proteinases (bovine pepsinogens A and C, chymosin, …),
- polyclonal antisera raised against other proteins and hormones from pituitary or placental origins.
Antisera raised against ruminant PAGs allow the development of immunoassays for pregnancy diagnosis and pregnancy follow-up, while the development of immunoassays specific for pepsinogens are expected to be additional tools for monitoring bovine gastric parasitosis.
Origin of the company
Bioproduct Consult SRL was founded in 2014 in order to make available different specific reagents (polyclonal antiserum, proteins) for professionals involved in animal reproduction management techniques.
During the last decades, as a result of our research, a large family of pregnancy-associated glycoproteins was discovered. Using molecular biology techniques, they were found to be members of the superfamily of the aspartic proteinases which also contains pepsinogen, cathepsins D and E, chymosin, renin etc.
Synthesized in the mono or binucleate cells of the trophoblast, the pregnancy-associated glycoproteins (PAG} do not have known proteinase activity. Their release in large quantities into the maternal blood circulation results in measurable plasma concentrations. Thanks to international collaborative studies, we have shown that PAG levels can be used for pregnancy diagnosis purposes. Their measurement is a good indicator of feto-placental well-being and a sharp decrease in PAG levels can occur before pregnancy failure in ruminant females.
More recently, the purification and development of specific radioimmunoassays for pepsinogens A and C allowed to establish the concentrations of both gastric proteins in peripheral circulation of fetuses (taken at different times of prenatal life), calves (taken at different ages) and from cows (adults). It is expected that the measurement of these proteins in bovine species could be related with the importance of parasitic infestations or with other digestive pathologies such as abomasal torsion.